Monday, March 11, 2019

Company Fairwood

The introduction, fraction 1 , is followed by the Method section which describes how the research was conducted. The results of the research ar presented in sections, Results and Discussion. The Conclusion is a summary of the results which were prep be. 1. 2. -aground about Fair-wood- Firewood pursuing a customer rootage, people-oriented concept, listen c arfully to the indigences of customers, close to the diet track in product innovation and consecutive improvement, committed to providing quality and outlay of popular diets. With the intention of portion and convenience interposes, o provide customers laughing(prenominal) eat experience.To enhance the place image and competitiveness, Firewood in November 2003 costing inebriate $ 15 million were 360 0 reforms big action, cr have a tender brand image, including the replacement of the trademark, as well as innovative operations, restructuring and upgrading in- workshop men us environment. Famous designer Mr.. Chin Yokin g much Firewood design a saltation into the sky humanoid doll as the new brand logo, tactile sensation ener establishic, highly motivated, so that customers feel youngish Firewood vitality, innovation and fun image. In addition, Firewood invited two internationally renowned interior designer Mr..Liana Chitin and Mr.. Moratoria Christine pass turn over in hand surgeon for Fair-woods branch redesign, renovation and every triple years on that pointafter to inject new elements. Firewood is Hong Gongs offshoot dissolute solid food chain stores invite professional composers creative background music, but the first implementation of a spaciotemporal smoking policy, entered into a new trite for the dissolute food industry in the branch. Firewood has always been customer first, has introduced innovative products, quality ingredients carefully selected to enhance food quality.Ace mix more than 30 kinds of products, including spices, A living curry, a record direct Of rich and uni que taste taste tomato sauce and usance provoke high gluten pasta boiled Extra Virgin chromatic Oil Pasta Series, and baked pig Grilled rice and corn Roil meal. Other innovations include point non even swing out MS series, grilled thick-cut black dolphin, Japanese Ramee, and so on , to creative thinking is committed to meet the needs of customers. Services, Firewood pi geniusered the personal service so there is a need of the customer to have sex room service.In addition, also employ in all outlets Accessibility Services, adding remov equal seats and ramps, provided on behalf of other intimate meal and room service. For the practice of people-oriented concept, the Group in addition to continue to recruit outstanding talents, nurture a condole with culture, offers a number of benefits for existing employees, such(prenominal) as childrens education fund, the intend is to build a happy ag conclave, and create a fun dining experience, the eat too Happy mission to bring custo mers. Contribute to the association has always been one big happy corporate focus.Therefore, launched the S 4 happy meal campaign to benefit the needy, also held Merry summercater Day and Charity Christmas party to increase communication with comm building blocky residents, fire social harmony and the spirit of helping each other, practice stomachly happy, wonderful in corporate mission. With people oriented We attach immensity to communication between employees, care for each and every employee the ability to come satisfaction on the job, Establish continuous learning and improvement culture, providing a growing and learning space for every employee.Food was happy to be wonderful. We are committed to creating fun dynamic work environment, with the establishment of happy police squad, the introduction of conciliatory working hours, to encourage employees to strike a proportionality in work and life, Our caring round, payment of a special holiday gift, but also actively organize various recreational activities, such as Merry giant sound, autumn barbecue, quarterly dinners, birthday parties, etc. From the establishment of happy team spirit and strengthen the sense of belong to employees of the company. The opportunity to focus on individual play We passed a mean(a) assessment, encourage employees to continue to learn and develop their potential and self-enhancement and, For outstanding employee strengthener and promotion opportunities, the fastest available 1. 5 years promoted from junior positions to store way.Improve job training We offer a complete range of divers(prenominal) classroom and professional skills training, Encourage employees to lifelong learning, constantly absorbing new knowledge and enhance their professional skills, their talents, through continuous improvement and learning, get more rapid growth and rumination, For employees to make realize promotion carry, clear and viable career growth prospects.The award-winning Firewo od received the following designation and certainly in talent development and module training ERP work force Development Scheme Excellent Employer Award Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers Caring worldwide Day of the 18 districts caring employer Training spirit Fresh happy, live a wonderful, Firewood Training of personnel is the most important one Firewood ring, continuous learning, development and self-enhancement potential and is the goal of our velveteen team.To this end, the Group is committed to organizing in service training program for potential employees to provide diversified learning opportunities to go individuals can play an unlimited potential. To help employees meet the challenges ahead, we have designed different job training, aspiring to broaden their horizons and enhance the confidence of employees to go in in order to absorb the required knowledge, Prepare for future promotion.Promotion ladder We through various training casts to provide advancement oppor tunities or staff to learn more about food production, customer service, expertise in- store health management, improve management capabilities. Promotion ladder courses 360 c comprehensive management course youth Management Course shop management training Skills upgrading training sales skills meal catering English resolution to training SF posts job skills certification To explore the potential of staff and the development of personal self- director.Every year we held internal competition trials most tip of the ring, near fighting Chefs provide scholarships to potential employees omelet management capabilities outside the course of professional organizations Value-added training To have caused to enhance the professional skills of the staff arrangements twisty in cognitive Professional Certificate courses, including catering computer unit certificate courses minority employees Cantonese training courses Health Manager Diploma in Business Management 2.Why we choose t his company? We chose this business because its a well-known catering enterprises, of which a fast food store location is nigh to our school sites, when we were n the field to collect data, can more convenient, and motiveless to collect detailed and the accuracy Of the data, so finally be able to successfully complete the report. 2. 1. Aim Firewood aims to establish a happy team so happy, happy employees will bring customers and dedication to bring customers a pleasant dining experience.Group and staff work closely unitedly, with the practice of eating too happy be wonderful corporate mission. 2. 2. Operating guidepost The management advocates balance between work and life, the introduction f flexible working hours, while employees hold different types of activities to strengthen employees sense of be to the Group. Group offers comprehensive in-service training programs for staff to enhance their professional skills and pass on develop their talents.The Group also provides a lot of opportunities for promotion and kind incentives to reward performance excellence. 2. 3. Pros & Cons Firewood is a large chain of fast food restaurants. Pros are with people oriented, eating too happy to be wonderful, focuses on individual play opportunity and improve job training. T need to improve the way people with disabilities to buy fast food, they can not require the help of other people can buy the fast food. The Fast Food Shop of the environment and facilities, can to facilitate handicapped access.The Fast food shop of the equipment, so that they can easily enjoy better food in the shop. They really provide to a fast food shop accessible services. 3. Suggestion Human resources are one of the Groups core assets. Labor shortage is one of the main challenges that the industry is before long facing and it is increasingly difficult to recruit experienced staff. To tackle this issue, Firewood has to abuse up efforts to attract talented workers by offering comprehensive staff development programs. 4. Method 4. Secondary source Some internet resources from Google together with data from recent reports from Government of Hong Kong were used as references. Online breeding was found with the most common Google tools. Their opinions and support provided valuable data for this report. There are 4 articles cited in the report. The 4 articles were useful to make the report blowsy to understand. It contains the questionnaire. Elect the internet search to finish my questionnaire. 4. 2 Primary sources 5. 2. 1 Subjects 20 local Hong Kong people were selected to answer the questionnaires.The respondents were aged from 20-50. No young children were interviewed, because most of them depend on their parents. Most are student in ours class Holmes Institute University. 4. 2. 2 Questionnaire The development of the questionnaire was multistage process in which a general theme was first given to each group. Each group brainstormed the theme to find a suitable subtitl e for each member. Then, a first draft of the questionnaire was developed with some basic information. The basic information was found the internet.

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