Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Do Violent Films Cause Violence?

Do Violent Films Cause Violence? Media became a long run from history till present time. The motion picture from cartoons and real life human who acts out in plays and movies has developed a strong impact for the future. Before media made its money to develop better programs, technology and colors, media used black and white color so present their form of creativity in movies for people to enjoy. Those movies are often great examples to show people different life experience such as; social life, educational success, leaderships and other lessons that can be taught. Great lessons were able to be spread all around, and new stories were able to be told and perform. Nevertheless, when other companies see that different media is doing a better job, producing better theme, setting, and acting, they began to compete with one another. In order for the producer to keep high viewers, they start to change genres to capture more attentions. In addition, by doing this, most media and its society changed throughout many years, mo vies became more aggressive, convincing, sexually active, emotional, and very epic that caused most people to be violent. Most of these movies that are advertised in newspaper, channel commercials, side walks, and stores, will often persuade younger kids and teenagers to watch horror films, action movies, and unrealistic dramas that are visible in movies, due to their young age. However, most kids have not realized that at young ages, their minds are easily carried away from excitements, and fun advertisement. This changed most peoples personalities, characteristic in some of the ways other than the positives, such as negative; they happen to be more violent; they show more aggressions, and their body action changes. The different types of genre that inspire young kids and teenagers in many aspects that still exist in movies or novels are; Crime, Detective, Horror, Action, Epic/Myth, Fantasy, Gang-involve, Social Drama, and Thrillers. Most scenes show different kinds of violence, those are; domestic violence, abusive violence, and verbal attack that they use in novels or the movies. This is to show people that its an unhealthy relationship, and because now a day, most people are interested in life-drama theme, so they can relate their problems or issues to their partner. Since there are still domestic/relationship problems that involve in every-day issue, American media make most movies like how most problems are like. Hopefully it might show the person to stop being violent to their partner, because its very wrong, and hurtful, sometimes it might not inspire them to change for the better. Nevertheless, the domestic violence that has been going on, made the author decided to film A History of Vio lence, to support those who are getting hurt (McCarthy, Todd). Most television shows, shows the viewers who happen to be a kid, maybe an adult. Whether watching violent shows or playing video games, it has still given a higher chance to persuade younger kids to change in many perspectives. Their personality changes to becomes aggressive, which becomes very harmful to public, after most influences that people fall into. This also depends on the time span that a person would spend their time on watching, learning, or observing. In an article it mentioned, Exposure to violent electronic media has a larger effect than all but one other well known threat to public health. The only effect slightly larger than the effect of media violence on aggression is that of cigarette smoking on lung cancer, L. Rowel Huesmann, of the University of Michigan, and his colleague Brad Bushman said.. Media has a huge impact and inspiration to most peoples life. There is some type of people who likes to live in a fantasy. By doing this, it draws their attention to watch more their-like type of movies, or films. Then people would place their life in the story of the movie. It has changed many peoples lives, other than its attitude in life, but their views on society have changed as well. Before people started to be as aggressive and violent due to the medias influence, people were able to still communicate, get together, great influence to one another. Now its a lot different, people have strong opinion, their ways of thinking has advance, and their body motion are more complex in society. Everything that use to be once romantic, or lesson-learned, and even compromising, has turned into fights, negative influences, and discriminations, etc. There are still people who watches plays like Romeo and Juliet, but since everything in society is advance, most people expects a better theme running in the movie, therefore they have movies that will show a bit of pornography, or movies that are consider bad ass that were advertise coming soon in 3-D, in the movies theater (Markovitz, Adam). Young teens, should look more into the media fields, and realize that even producing new movies, songs, pictures, etc. there are people who has negative personality, and some that are really nice. Certain companies can be discriminate, and make movies based on making fun of another race, and when young kids watch it, they get influenced. The medias job is to entertain the people, and to entertain them in all sorts of way, and one way is to be funny. But kids did not notice that they got most of the jokes from internet, friends, films, plays, TV shows, etc. It is very true that not only creating movie films, or writing novels that can have an epic story line, influencing people to become more aggressive and violent, but violence in a verbally way. This is because watching movies that are just as scary, just as disgusting, horror, etc can also harm a persons health in many ways. Since most parents try to keep their children protected from other harms, or what their becoming will be in the future, they try not to let them watch too much epic shows. The news once mentioned that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ children from attending violent films. Nor does it apply to gory movies already out, such as Gremlins and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. But it will alert parents to the content of such films in the future, (Movie violence gets new label) Perhaps, this is the parents way of raising the kids to not get involve with too much of these genre that may affect their life. Yet, as much as violence are mentioned, most media tries to express their art to public, but forming types of theme into the movie performance. In other words, media tries to show audience that being violence isnt the answer, but for kids, they look at another way. Most think its cool to be involved with gang, after watching specific type of movie. Perhaps as a younger kid, they might not feel that its giving them a negative or positive impact in life, but in a way its showing them new things that they never explored or has seen before, which lures them to try. To be surprise, kids see a scene in some movies, where for examples, underage are prohibit to go into legal age bars, so they use nasty body motions, pushing and shoving, thinking its a way to get through them. In the text it mentioned, Some people think the best way to get people into theaters is to show violence. Sometimes different gangs come to theaters because they want to see movies on the first night, and two gangs get together and fight, (Whats behind the black-on-black violence at movie theaters) However, media is only trying to do its part by producing different type of genre/themes that fits most audience to watch, since now a days, most movies arent has interesting as it once use to be. Verbal violence includes profanities that are often being used in films, and every day languages in the streets, when people fight, when they talk, or even for fun. When people watch films, modern times often use a lot of swear words, in scenes where two people are arguing, and get into fights, every sentences are shout out with swear words. When kids and teenager hear it, they think its a term people should use to express their emotions and style of getting nasty with one another. Its not just in the kids, but most grown up adults uses profanities in their language. Most TV shows, like the Maury Show, tries to censor negative words for people to watch at home. But the ones that are actually watching the show live can hear it. Most producers try to eliminate as much negative influence as possible, hoping that it will change the violence within the nation today. The exaggerated mugging and pantomime required for communication between characters on screen impart a histrionic falsity to the most passionate declaration and turn tragedy into melodrama, (Arts in the 1970s: Overview) Lack of communication is one way people cannot get along, then they find ways to hurt each other, whether its body language, getting physical, or verbal violence, but it is definitely a problem that most people experience, even today. In some problems, Directors argues to censorship. Its very understandable when some producer wants to display the negative language out in the films to show what kind of tragedy that is going on at this time. But most people believe that it will only be harmful to the kids, and what that is coming ahead for kids to get influence. In fact, kids rather have swear words indicate in magazines, movies, and even novel. To them, its a sign of entertainments, or genuine moviemaking situations. As public views the censors, they get bored, or mad, because words are being blocked, and it cuts out some other words that are being used in the sentence, and it annoys the audiences. But television shows like Maury Show has different task each day, and some are beneficial for kids, and adults, so if they have negative language spoken in public, then the show becomes very unhealthy for people to watch on the television. Other television shows like Jerry Springer also censor swear words, but there isnt a beneficial lesson that are being taught in the show. One of the reason people calls themselves and the person who is involved in the situation, they go to the show to argue, and then they fight. Has people forgotten that violence does not even solve anything, it only proves to their enemies that oh I beat you, I am the more dominate, or strongest one, Even though movies separate the level rating for specific age to watch, kids are still able to sneak in theater to watch what is not suitable for them, thats how strong media advertise things. It shows a strong persuasive desire to watch their films. Before movies starts, if there are any warning that needs to be given out to public, it would say on film, The pictures distributor include a warning in advertising that this film may be too intense for younger children. (Bronson, Gail, and Ste Hawkins) Yet, most people ignore it, because they do not bother to read it, theyre too excited to watch whats going to be played in the film. If that is the case, where separating ages so that they have their specific level of movies to watch does not help, then it also proves that most people does not respect the safety that is going on. Movies such as the Hang Over, have gotten many kids to gossip about this movie. All parents want their child to be a great student in school, get good education in school, and to come out to be successful. No parents would want their child getting hang over after parties and parties, or might encounter different type of influence that they do not want their child to be hanging around. When drinking, it changes the persons attitude, they will become very aggression, or more emotional about things. In fact it makes the person very convincing and vulnerable. Just like how most kids from middle school, high school, and the adulthood who has seen the movie Hang Over, should have an idea what it is like. Also if most parents has not notice, but the more demand that they have more a child, the m ore it persuades or motivates them to try to do something the parents does not approve, such as drinking, partying, and even gang involvements. In an article it stated that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦are reporting that parents who steer their kids away from R-rated films usually prevail against peer pressure on kids to drink alcohol. (Study: Parental Guidance on Movies Curbs Drinking) Even so, if most parents that are against it, it still gives the kids an idea to still try. But the kids mind isnt as complex as an adult, so they would not often think about the consequence that they will go through when they get in trouble with drinking. It boost their ability to be much different for a short time span, when a person gets aggressive they rage out of control. Physical fighting are involve with drinking too, some people feel that they get stronger, and unstoppable after they drink, and no one can possible stop them, some just go around looking for trouble to complete their anger or stress. This i s very unhealthy, and they do not need this in their body. Instead of fueling up at bars and then roaming around looking for trouble, potential criminals pass the prime hours for mayhem eating popcorn and watching celluloid villains slay in their stead. (Economists say movie violence might temper the real thing) One of the major issues that are happening in society is that women are being abuse in relationship; it does not necessary means that they are being physically hurt by men, or women, but they are hurt mentally. Violence can be caused in such ways if the men pressure the women to have sex with them, or else they would leave. Most of this problem can be found in movies, to provide people ideas what it is like. But for most of the people, they think its funny, they think its entertaining. Yet, most movie turns on the people into doing it, when movies shows scenes where theres a lot of things going on, it creates a hormones to teenagers and adults into the mood. Media wants the audience to feel like they are being placed in the movie, to know what its like, but when teenagers are watching it, some can be very irresponsible. As for most people, disrespect men would keep their girls around to satisfy them. They would say things that sound convincing and meaningful, to pressure girls to hav e sex with them. When the girl does not, relationship can turn into violent, continuous argument and very abusive. In a magazine it stated, girls often say, its a ridiculous argument to be having because youre never going to solve it. (But seriously) Yet the women insist to stay with the man. Many young children fantasize their life to the story line of the movie, either they wish they could be in their shoe, or they do not want to face reality. Movies portray a strong role for young kid, as their minds are not as settled as older adult. Some kids encounter scenes in the movies where a kid can be the hero if they see a bully, bullying a kid. So when they see that happens in real life, things are often tougher and different from films, but there are kids that try to defend for others, and get into dangerous fight. Unequivocal evidence from a wide variety of studies shows that in the short term exposing children to violence in movies, TV, video games and music increases physical and verbal aggression, and aggressive thoughts and emotions, (Bad influence.[Upfront: news in perspective]) Other times when kids get tempted to do harmful things to females, and much unexpected actions from kids. Perhaps those are times when kids can be the time where they are growing up, and its natural to feel new things, and explore different experience. But some movies consist of scenes where a person can be violently raping a little girl. There can be some psychotic people out there who can be encourage to do that, or be tempted after watching certain films. R-rated movies portray violence and other behaviors deemed inappropriate for children under 17 year of age. (R-rated movies increase likelihood of underage children trying alcohol) Even though these are inappropriate for children underage, these find ways to be difference whether its being violence, fitting in with other groups, and trying to be cool. Watching too much television show can not only turn aggression into violence, but it will affect their education in many ways. There are kids out there, who want to catch up to their episodes, so they sit and watch after every episodes. After watching too much episodes, any sorts of negative or positive impact draws drills into their mind. When they go to school, most that they think about is the television serious they watched all night. When parents want the child to go to sleep, eat, shower, or even do their homework, they refuse to. They will find ways to rebel from their parents into letting them do whatever they want to do. Sometimes if parents gets aggressive, they would either pull the plug from the outlet, take their privileges away from them, the kids would get mad and physical. When they want it bad, they would throw things, break things, and use verbal violence to yell at parents. Perhaps now days, people are more interested in romance series, that also shows more violenc e and sex involved, that keeps them up watching. When you look at the average, todays PG-13 movies are approaching what the R movies looked like in 1992. Todays PG is approaching what PG-13 looked like a decade ago, (Kimberly Thompson). Throughout the media history, motion picture from cartoons and real life human who acts out in plays and movies has developed a strong impact for the future. As modern time uses their form of creativity in movies to show kids what things can possibly be going on in life, it also gives them a bad impact. Nevertheless most movies are suppose to show people different life experience such as; social life, educational success, leaderships and other lessons that can be taught but media and its society changed throughout many years, movies became more aggressive, convincing, sexually active, emotional, and very epic that caused most people to be violent. The advertised in newspaper, channel commercials, side walks, and stores, will often persuade younger kids and teenagers to watch horror films, action movies, and unrealistic dramas that are visible in movies, due to their minor age. However, most kids have not realized that at young ages, their minds are easily carried away from excitement s, and fun advertisement. This changed most peoples personalities, characteristic in some of the ways other than the positives, such as negative; they happen to be more violent; they show more aggressions, and their body action changes.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children

Child abuse is the intentional omission of care by a parent or guardian that can cause a child to be hurt, maimed, or even killed. Child abuse can be either physical, mental, emotional or sexual. Because of child abuse, Caprice Ried will never do the things that a normal four-year old does. She will never play on a playground, or go to a sleepover, and never go to school. All of this was taken away from her at such a young age, when she died of child abuse. The foster parents, Patricia Coker, and her mother Betty Coker have been charged with second degree murder for Caprice’s death. Caprice went without food for days. She was also tied to a chair and beaten with a stick until she couldn’t walk. Several days later, she was found dead.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As horrible as this story seems, this scene happens way to often. In 1996, approximately 3,126,000 children were reported for child abuse. Currently, about 47 out of every 1,000 children are reported as victims of child abuse and maltreatment. Overall, child abuse reporting levels have increased 45% between 1987 and 1996.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1996, an estimated 1,046 child abuse and neglect related fatalities were confirmed by Child Protective Services, (CPS) agencies. Since 1985, the rate of child abuse fatalities has increased by 20%. Based on these numbers, more than three children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1996, some states reported that almost 77% of these children that died were less than five years old at the time of their death, while 45% were under 1 year of age. The causes of death were 45% neglect, 52% physical abuse, 3% from a combination of neglect and physical abuse. Studies of the general population show that anywhere from 6% to 63% of women were sexually abused as children. A 1985 L.A. Times national survey found that 27% of women and 16% of men reported being sexually abused prior to age 18. The true extent of sexual abuse in unknown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The relationship between parental alcohol or other drug problems and child maltreatment is becoming increasingly evident. And the risk to the child increases in a single parent household where there is no supporting adult to diffuse parental stress and protect the child from the effects of the parents problem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both alcohol and drug problems are widespread in this country. Almost 14 million adult Americans abu... ...ecial report to U.S. Congress on alcohol and health. 9) American Association for Protecting Children. (AAPC). (1988) Highlights of official Child Neglect and Abuse Reporting, 1986. Denver, CO. American Humane Association 10) Finkelhor, D. (1986) A Sourcebook on Child Sexual Abuse. California: Sage Publications 11) FInkelhor, D. and Williams, L. (1988) Nursery Crimes: Sexual Abuse in Day Care. California: Sage Publications. 12) Ogintz, E. The Littlest Victim. Chicago Tribune, Thursday, October 6, 1988 13) Sedlak, A. (1996) Early Findings from the Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect:1988. Rockville, MD: Westat, Inc 14) Woodside, M. (1988) Research on Children of Alcoholics: Past and Future. British Journal of Addiction, 83: 785-792 15) Practical Approaches to Successful Healing Sexual Abuse; Helping Adult and Child Survivors. Presented by: Adena Bank Lees 16) Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center’s : Response To Family Violence: A Teaching Forum 17) Child Abuse Identification. The New York State Course. Prepared by St. Agnes Hospital white Plains, New York. 18) Child Abuse and Maltreatment. A guide for Mandated Reporters.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Gender roles in Sitcoms Essay

â€Å"Gender is the crucial factor in characterization in the majority of sitcoms. Up until the impact of feminism in the 1970s, in the UK at least, it is clear that most of the successful sitcoms featured leading male characters (Hancock, Steptoe, Dad’s Army, Till Death Do Us Part, Porridge etc.). Women were more likely to feature in ‘ensemble casts’ – The Rag Trade, Are You Being Served? This was also a function of the employment opportunities for women. Since the 1970s, women in leading roles have been more common (but the most successful comedies have tended to be based on couples rather than single women).† (Roy Stafford, TV Sitcoms and Gender, ONLINE) Based on television analysis it is very simple to notice what it means to be a mother, from the television’s perspective: to be a mother means to cook when your husband is hungry, to clean the house when necessary, to take care of the children etc. To be a father means to work and to come home expecting a cooked meal for whenever you are hungry, to make the tough decisions and to be the dominate figure in the household. Television is saying a lot about the roles of male and female couples. In what concerns the female types in sitcoms, Roy Stafford suggested a specific classification, across comedy and drama since the 1950s: †¢ Matron/Working Battleaxes †¢ Sexy assistant †¢ Business matriarch †¢ Woman in a Man’s World †¢ The Vamp (1980s) †¢ Woman in Power †¢ Women who fight other women †¢ Woman who watches her ‘biological clock’ For my paper I chose to talk about three different sitcoms, namely: Bewitched (1964 –1972), The Nanny (1993–1999) and Cougar Town (2009). Bewitched (1964–1972) â€Å"A young-looking witch named Samantha meets and marries a mortal named Darrin Stephens. While Samantha pledges to forsake her powers and become a typical suburban housewife, her magical family disapproves of the mixed marriage and frequently interferes in the couple’s lives. Episodes often begin with Darrin becoming the victim of a spell, the effects of which wreak havoc with mortals such as his boss, clients, parents, and neighbors. By the epilogue, however, Darrin and Samantha most often embrace, having overcome the devious elements that failed to separate them. The witches, most having names ending with the soft â€Å"-a† sound, and their male counterparts, known as â€Å"warlocks†, are very long-lived; while Samantha appears to be in her twenties, many episodes suggest she is actually hundreds of years old. To keep their society secret, witches avoid showing their powers in front of mortals other than Darrin. Nevertheless, the perplexing inexplicable effects of their spells and Samantha’s attempts to hide their supernatural origin from mortals drive the plot of most episodes. Witches and warlocks usually use physical gestures along with their magical spells, and sometimes spoken incantations. Most notably, Samantha often twitches her nose to perform a spell. Modest but effective special visual effects are accompanied by music to highlight the magic.† (Wikipedia, Bewitched, ONLINE) â€Å"Bewitched† is one of the many examples were the father goes out to work and the mother stays at home, cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children. Samantha attempts to denounce or leave her witch world behind because she is now married to Darrin, a mere mortal, for whom she would do anything. She is a home-loving wife who does everything to support her husband by promising to leave her magical powers at the door in order to try to live a normal life as a housewife. The Nanny (1993–1999) †Jewish-American Fran Fine, fresh out of her job as a bridal consultant in her fiance’s shop, first appears on the door step of Broadway producer Maxwell Sheffield (Charles Shaughnessy) peddling cosmetics, and quickly stumbles upon the opportunity to become the nanny for his three children. Soon Fran, with her off-beat nurturing and no-nonsense honesty, touches the whole family as she gives the prim-and-proper Maxwell and his children a dose of ‘Queens logic,’ helping them to become a healthy, happy family, a family that she later fully joins when she becomes engaged and then married to Maxwell. She then adds to this family of five when she and Maxwell have fraternal twins. Other characters include sardonic butler Niles (Daniel Davis), and Maxwell’s socialite business partner C.C. Babcock (Lauren Lane), who views Fran with jealousy and skepticism.† (Wikipedia, The Nanny, ONLINE) †The Nanny† † is no longer the type of sitcom where the wife stays at home and just her husband goes to work. Compared with †Bewitched†, this sitcom is more modern and more different in what concerns the gender roles. Fran Fine is no longer just a home-loving wife who does everything to support her husband, but she exposes her point of view and most often she dose so as everyone to do as she wants to. She has a stronger character and is more independent comparing with Samantha. Cougar Town (2009) †Jules Cobb – a recently divorced single mother exploring the truths about dating and aging. Jules spent most of her 20s and 30s married to Bobby and raising a son, Travis. She tried to relive her 20s and make up for lost time by dating younger men, but has since come to terms with the limitations of her age and has had relationships with men her age. She resides in a small town in Florida and is a real estate agent who is successful in business. Because she has been out of the dating world for a while, Jules discovers it is difficult to find love again.[10] A close-up of her driver’s license in a season 2 episode reveals her full first name to be Julia and her birth date to be November 15, 1968 (age 43).† (Wikipedia, Cougar Town, ONLINE) †Cougar Town† is a modern sitcom with modern elements, modern characters and modern women. The home-loving wife, the devoted mother to the family, the wife that does everything for her husband and for supporting him, the wife that just stays home and takes care of the children, cleans the house, cooks, is no longer the type of the female character used in this sitcom. Here, Jules is a modern woman that decides to find some excitement in her dating life. She is divorced and is more concerned with her ​​looks than her family. Jules is working, is going out with her friend, dates younger boys, wants to have a perfect body so she can hide her real age†¦so, she is a modern woman with modern desires. Television is a powerful influence in determining the roles of men and women in society. Young people are especially influencd by its portrayal of gender roles. †Throughout the history of television, the role of the housewife and mother has changed from a subservient woman to the more controlling, powerful, and dominant female portrayed in today’s culture. In early television, the 1950’s and 1960’s, the housewife or mother was always seen as submissive towards the more assertive father or husband. In Common Culture, Harry Waters explains in his article, â€Å"Life According to TV,† that males often got a deviation of roles, and females were usually playing the part of a mother, wife, or girlfriend. (Waters 167) As time progressed, that role was changed to a more authoritative and domineering woman who controlled a somewhat of a bumbling idiot of a husband.† (Example Essays, Roles Of Women In Television, ONLINE) There are no limits to what the genders can do. Now days you find most women out in all of the workplaces which were once deemed male oriented. And you find men staying home and raising families, doing the job that once only women did. †The idea of feminity has evolved over time just as women’s roles in the media have. Women on television in the past had very few roles but the main one was to be the wonderful mother of the wholesome family program. [†¦] In today’s society women are not expected to stay home and live off their husbands, women are not even expected to get married or to have children if they so choose. Women’s roles on television have changed from the housewife to the working woman. Yet the woman’s role is still usually a support of the leading character who happens to be a male.†

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Impact Of Datscan On Diagnosis And Management Of...

The Impact of DaTscan on the Diagnosis and Management of Movement Disorders: A Retrospective Study. New and evolving diagnostic tests are always exciting. Especially if these tests could possibly lead us to a cure for those diseases that currently have only treatment, but no cures. Parkinson s is a progressively degenerative disease, which affects millions of people every year. Patients suffering from Parkinson s incur high costs from drug therapy, fall-related injuries, and hospitalizations. By diagnosing this disease earlier, treatment can be started earlier and hopefully the symptoms can be delayed and less severe for a longer period of time giving the patient a better quality of life. However, with any new test we must use statistical measures to determine if these tests are truly making a difference. This search was performed using articles in Pubmed and PMC from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health using the key terms Parkinson s disease, parkinsons diagnosis, and DaTscan. No print sources were used during this research. In the current times of change and technology, by the time an article or book is written, edited, sent to press, and distributed to stores, libraries, etc it is already old news. For the most up to date information, the Internet is usually where the most relevant information can be found. However, with any media source, it is important to use information from reputable sources. Parkinson s disease is one of