Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Doing Business in Spain Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Doing Business in Spain - Assignment Example In this respect, a new business venture with the assistance of the marketing analysis is able to conduct operations in accordance with business opportunities (Katz, â€Å"Negotiating International Business – Spain†). Spain is a member of the ‘European Commission Community’ and the membership of European Union (EU) facilitated the country to conduct barrier-free trade operations. In this context, the country is able to perform business operations with better growth opportunities. Moreover, with the advent of globalization, the country has been able to perform sustainably with better transparency as well as efficiency (Katz, â€Å"Negotiating International Business – Spain†). The assignment intends to highlight an overview of Spain with regard to culture, education, labor market and economy. Additionally, an analysis is conducted with the aim of obtaining adequate information in relation to the business environments in the Spain on the basis of business culture, investment climate, major industries, legal aspects i.e. labor laws and other laws, business opportunities, process of starting a business in Spain. The analysis further helps to understand the significant areas about business opportunities. Spain is a member state of European Union and the country is officially recognized as Kingdom of Spain (Compare Infobase Ltd., â€Å"Spain Map†). Spanish culture is widely known for its Flamenco dance and music, beaches, bullfights and sunshine. Additionally, the people believes in developing relationship as well as respect (Don Quijote Salamanca S.L., â€Å"Spanish Culture†). Around 12% of the overall populations of Spain are foreigners of which around 47% belongs to European origin and rest is non-European. According to the article published by EURES, 60% of the overall populations of the country are identified as active workers. Spain has the fourth largest economy in the Eurozone in terms of business operations. Additionally, in terms of nominal

Monday, October 28, 2019

Explore the presentation of revenge in Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Explore the presentation of revenge in Hamlet Essay Revenge is a key theme in Hamlet. It is not only essential to understanding Hamlets character, it forms the structure for the whole play, supporting and overlapping other important themes that arise. Though it is Hamlets revenge that forms the basis for the story, tied into this is the vengeance of Laertes and Fortinbras, whose situations in many ways mirror Hamlets own. By juxtaposing these avengers, Shakespeare draws attention to their different approaches to the problem of revenge and how they resolve these. see more:theme of revenge in hamlet The idea of revenge is first introduced by the appearance of the ghost in act 1 Scene 5, and linked to this is the theme of hell and the afterlife. At the end of this scene, Hamlet is irreversibly bound to revenge for the duration of the play, speak, I am bound to hear So art thou to revenge. The ghost appears with the sole aim of using his son to obtain revenge on his brother, and so every word he speaks is designed to enrage Hamlet and stir in him a desire for vengeance. He uses very emotive language to exaggerate the enormity of the crime, and he concentrates Hamlets attention on the treachery of Claudius. His description of the murder itself demonises Claudius and contains many references to original sin, the serpent that did sting thy fathers life now wears his crown. Hamlet, who has been brought up with absolute notions of good and evil, is susceptible to these religious references, o all you host of heaven! O earth! And shall I couple hell? It is ironic that the ghost refers to his own torment, trapped in purgatory, in order to demonstrate to Hamlet the injustice of the situation, yet this serves only to warn Hamlet of the possible consequences of revenge. Instead of enraging him, Hamlet is now wary of acting rashly or without proof as it could place him in a similar situation to his father. The other revengers in the play do not have this wariness, they act immediately without considering the spiritual consequences and it is unclear whether Hamlet would have had a similar attitude had he not been inadvertently alerted to this danger by old Hamlets ghost. Though Hamlets immediate reaction to news of his fathers murder is one of anger and a desire for action, by the end of the scene his desire for revenge is already blunted, for a number of reasons. Unlike Laertes and Fortinbras, Hamlet receives the information of his fathers murder from a secret and unreliable source, which means that not only is he unsure of the truth, he is forced to act out his revenge in secret. Throughout the play, Hamlet frustrates the audience with his lack of action, especially as all around him his contemporaries are visibly taking their own revenge. Fortinbras is in a similar situation to Hamlet, as his father had been murdered by old Hamlet and his land taken. The land itself is worthless and Fortinbras stands to lose more than he can gain; yet like Hamlet it is a matter of honour. Both are exacting revenge for something that nobody else cares for or remembers; a dead king for whom nobody grieves and a patch of worthless land. Part of Hamlets dilemma is the moral question of whether his desire for revenge is worth disrupting and endangering the lives of all those around him, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them However, unlike Hamlet Fortinbras does not pause to contemplate the idea of revenge; he acts on it, sharked up a list of lawless resolutes and marched on Denmark. The difference in their characters is obvious; Fortinbras character matches his name, strong in arm. He is a man of action, not of words, he has a strong presence and a commanding attitude which demands obedience, Go captain, from me greet the Danish king I will dot my lord. Fortinbras situation is infinitely less complex than Hamlets own; the boundaries between good and evil, personal and public, right and wrong, are for him, clearly defined. He is able to act openly, uninfluenced by friends and family. Hamlet on the other hand is surrounded by people who have obligations to both himself and the king, and is therefore unsure of whom to trust. Hamlets dilemma is founded on this; that any action he takes carries with it risks and possible consequences which could destroy the foundation of his very existence, so he hesitates and does nothing, all the while hating himself for his inaction, makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of. The problem for Hamlet is that the murder is too close to home, so he is unable to define the boundaries between personal and public. He cannot publicly confront Claudius without proof because he risks losing his claim to the thrown, alienating his friends and family and being exiled from Denmark, as it would be seen as an attempt by the prince to regain the throne, rather than a son avenging his fathers murder. On top of this Hamlet hopes to avoid jeopardising his relationship with his mother, but at the same time he wants revenge on her for her betrayal. In order to fully understand Hamlets psyche and therefore the reasoning behind his actions, it is important to understand how religion affected all aspects of life in Elizabethan times. It was believed that a person who was able to confess his sins before death would be absolved and therefore go to heaven, but if a person were unable to do this their soul would be condemned to purgatory until they were able to confess and repent. Old Hamlets soul is in purgatory and Hamlet wants Claudius to suffer the same fate, a villain kills my father and for that, I his sole son do this same villain send to heaven. Why, this is hire and salary not revenge. For this reason Hamlet has to wait for the opportune moment to kill Claudius, when he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, at game, a-swearing or about some act that has no relish of salvation in it. However, the other problem which religion creates is that of Hamlets own afterlife. If murder for revenge is wrong then by killing Claudius, Hamlet condemns his own soul along with that of Claudius. On the other hand, Hamlet is honour bound to exact revenge for his fathers murder, and the consequences of not doing so could be even more drastic. Even suicide offers no solution, as the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others we know not of. Hamlets indecisiveness is not just a result of his uncertainty about the consequences his actions will have. He is in emotional turmoil at this point in the play, and is feeling betrayed and rejected by those whom he had relied on so far in his life. His anger and frustration at his mothers behaviour is amplified by her lack of grief, and his desire for revenge at the start of the play is mainly fuelled by his own grief and a sense of injustice. His anger towards Claudius diminishes, as he is distracted form revenge by more immediate concerns, such as his relationships with Ophelia and with his mother. Part of Hamlets feelings of isolation stem from what he sees as betrayal by his friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and his lover Ophelia. Hamlets critical relationship with Claudius forces all three to take sides, and decide to whom they owe the strongest allegiance. Ophelias father Polonious, Claudius right hand man, instructs her to shun Hamlet and, as his dependant she is forced to obey him. Women were viewed as property during Shakespearian times, and without a male protector her future prospects were slim. Also, the emphasis placed on family duty and loyalty was far greater, so to disobey her father would be tantamount to treason. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were given a direct order from their king, so to disobey would actually have been treason. Added to this was their ignorance of Hamlets situation due to both Hamlet and Claudius deceit, which meant that they were unsympathetic with Hamlets mental instability and obsession with old Hamlets death. Hamlet refuses to recognise the impossible situation his friends were placed in, and resents them for abandoning him when he needs them most, even though it is his feud with Claudius that has forced them to into it. Feeling betrayed, he has no compunctions in using them to further his own gains. All three are, ultimately, fatalities of Hamlets vendetta against Claudius, as Hamlet brings about the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and drives Ophelia to madness and suicide. Ophelia especially is very much a victim, as in obeying her father she loses Hamlet, and when Hamlet kills Polonious she loses him as well. With Laertes away, she has no-one left to protect her and is very much alone. In many ways, Hamlet himself is a victim of revenge, as he used as a tool by his father, to instigate revenge against old Hamlets killer. By placing this obligation on Hamlet, on top of all his emotional instability, Old Hamlet effectively pushes his son over the edge and renders him incapable of decisiveness. It is unsurprising that Hamlet is unable to take revenge or in fact make any significant decisions, as he is under considerable emotional and mental strain. Laertes is in a similar situation, as Hamlet his friend has murdered his father and driven his sister to madness. His vulnerable state of mind makes it easy for Claudius to use him as a tool against Hamlet, so the two friends become instruments in the power struggle between the two brothers, a struggle which crosses the divide between life and death. Laertes situation resembles Hamlet in other ways. They are joined by their love for Ophelia, Hamlet as a lover and Laertes as a brother. When Laertes returns to find his father murdered, he faces the same dilemma that Hamlet originally had in that, as far as he knew, the king of Denmark had murdered his father. Unlike Hamlet who promptly chose to employ deceit in order to combat Claudiuss deceit, when Laertes discovers this he immediately confronts Claudius. By doing this he achieves his revenge far sooner than Hamlet, but consequently becomes a tool for Claudius against Hamlet. These two revengers differ in their approach to revenge, but ultimately they come to the same end. They both fall victim to the corruption that surrounds the court of Denmark, with Claudius at the centre. Claudius use of deceit throughout the play hides the truth under a veil of dishonesty. Claudius uses other people as tools to achieve his aims, so if they fail he escapes the brunt. He uses Polonious, he uses the king of Norway against Fortinbras, and finally he uses Laertes against Hamlet himself. His corrupting influence means that nobody in Denmarck knows the truth, and Hamlets only attempt to break this veil of deceit causes the death of Polonious instead of Claudius. In act 3 scene 3, Shakespeare uses the curtain concealing Polonious as a metaphor for the corruption surrounding Denmark, making it impossible for Hamlet to take revenge as he is unaware of the truth. Though Hamlet tries to cut through the curtain, he fails and ends up killing the wrong man. This shows him that it is no good trying to confront the problem, he must remove the cloak of deceit and reveal Claudius for what he truly is before he can take his revenge. Though Hamlet tries to get around this problem by being deceitful himself, and Laertes tries to confront the problem face on, both end up being used as weapons in a fight that kills them both. The ending of the play is very satisfying despite, or perhaps because of, the deaths of nearly all the characters. For a neat ending, it was necessary that all the characters achieve their revenge, and as there were so many intertwining strands of revenge, it was inevitable that a large proportion of characters would be killed. The play ends with a new beginning, as the corruption at the heart of Denmark dies with Claudius and Hamlet. Hamlet succeeded in taking revenge on Claudius and revealing the truth about his character, and Laertes succeeded in killing Hamlet but died in the process. All this clears the way for Fortinbras, who we see is far more suited to leadership than the indecisive Hamlet. Fortinbras was more successful in his revenge than Hamlet and Laertes for a number of reasons. He is not held back by the dilemma that freezes Hamlet; of having to choose between betraying his fathers trust or losing the throne and alienating everyone he loves. Hamlet is held back by his proximity to Claudius and the situation, whereas Fortinbras is free to act uninfluenced by the people around him. Another factor in Fortinbras favour is that, unlike both Hamlet and Laertes, Fortinbras made the decision to take revenge alone, so it was entirely his responsibility. Revenge has to be nurtured in Hamlet and Laertes, and both are used as tools in the ongoing feud between the two brothers. Fortinbras is a man of action, and doesnt waste time pondering the philosophy behind the revenge mentality, as Hamlet does. And unlike Laertes, he plans and organises his revenge, he doesnt rush straight into confrontation unprepared. In fact, he represents the best qualities of both of them, so it is fitting that it is he who emerges with not only his life, but the throne of Denmark to go with it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Marijuana Should be Considered for Medical Use :: Argumentative Persuasive Essay Examples

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract:  Ã‚   Marijuana, scientifically known as Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica , is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. Much evidence supports the fact that it may possess properties that could warrant its usefulness in the medical field. For example, it has been used in the treatment of nausea, glaucoma, and migraines among other things. On the other hand, many of its useful effects are accompanied with side affects such as disorientation and hallucinations. Very little studies have been done concerning the beneficial and malignant effects of marijuana despite its ubiquitous nature in American society. This paper combines many of the tested treatments of marijuana with reported side effects in order to test the validity of the drug as a medicine. Since the passage of the Controlled Substance Act in 1970, marijuana has been considered a Schedule I drug. This means that it fits the following criteria: 1) has a high potential for abuse, 2) has no currently accepted medical use, and 3) lacks safety even under medical supervision (Boire 1993). No one can grow the plant, possess it or any mix or preparation, or absorb it in any way. Many argue in favor of the drug saying that it has no ill effects, and that it, in fact, harbors medicinal properties. Proposition 215 amended California state law to allow people to grow or possess marijuana for medical use when recommended by a physician. The physician may diagnose that a patient may benefit from its use in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief. Unfortunately, studies on the effects of marijuana are scarce so its useful purposes are highly debatable. Whether or not medi cal marijuana deserves to be legal shall be further examined here.    "Marijuana" is just one particular term for the hemp plant classified as Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica. Linnaeus gave its name and classification in 1753 and for hundreds of years it has been used as an intoxicant or an herbal remedy. Cannabis is easily distinguishable by its leaf which is often long, has serrated edges and grows in groups of five, resembling the fingers of the hand. It is made up of about 480 substances. The active ingredient in cannabis is known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC, mostly referred to simply as THC).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What is Punishment

According to Krauth, (1996), punishment usually involves the deliberate incision of ache, misery or the removal of rights and/or freedom. Basically, these actions are definitely wrong. However, our society/community are using these methods particularly in law-breaking issues to maintain peace and order. The community gives punishment to avoid crimes and violence. The people are encouraged to be vigilant and to disclose any information pertinent to the occurrence of violent offenses (Krauth, 1996). Krauth, (1996) cited that a number of communities in some parts of the world have attempted to develop community-based crime prevention strategies as supplemental action for the government’s efforts in giving punishment. Basically, punishment of offenders in society is a wide context, thus to narrow the context this review will cover only the role and effect of punishment in shaping the behavior of an individual; i. e. parenting and learning strategies which summarizes the studies conducted by Ballantine, J. (2001), Moeller (2001), and Hill (1990). On the other hand, in the report of Hyman and Zelikoff (1987), the issues regarding the worst result of punishment to an individual i. e. trauma is also reviewed. In follow up to this, Bartol (1995) identifies the possible bad result of punishment i. e. aggression. The report concerning the theories of behavior in accordance to learning behavior were further discussed in the paper of Slavin (1995), Kounin (1970), Skinner (1974), Thorndike (1912) and Pavlov, (1927). During our childhood days, our parent usually imposed punishment to us if we got mistakes. Actually, this punishment affects our development as a child. It could have either positive or negative effects. And of the negative effects of it is aggression (Bartol 1995). With this regard, this review of literature also seeks to realize why people permit the legitimation of this type of infiltration. Thus, it evaluates the reason behind why discipline relies on punishment and negative consequences to improve child’s behavior. Punishment also affects the education and learning behavior of a child, thus we will also cover issues of punishment in school setting. Review In the study conducted by Ballantine, J. 2001; p. 46), he argued that parents usually give punishment to their children just to discipline them. However, parents should be cautious in giving punishment. This might cause physical, emotional and mental problems or this may also results to rebellious behavior or worst a trauma. Research has long proven that the parenting styles adopted by parents often have a gre at impact on the development of the child (e. g. Ballantine, J. 2001; p. 46). Ballantine, J. (2001; p. 46) stated that there are three basic parenting styles i. e. authoritative, authoritarian and permissive styles. Basically, Ballantine, J. (2001) stated that authoritarian parents tend to control their offspring. Also, they are very demanding and have high expectations for their children. But also, they tend to be less responsive to their children’s needs. They rely very heavily on punishment. Authoritative parents, on the other hand, though also very demanding, gain the favor of their children by being highly responsive as well. They have clear definitions on the limitations and freedom of their children. They are also very supportive and give out punishment but explain the reasons for the action. Permissive parents are the opposite of authoritarian parents. They require les of their children but still is very responsive to them, they are often very lenient and don’t, if possible give out punishments. The uninvolved parents are also opposite of authoritative parents. As the name suggests, they are really uninvolved with their children. Often, they are very apathetic to the happenings in their children’s lives. They put a very high risk on their children since they do not put a defined line on what they expect of their children. Parenting styles differ and have profound effects in child development. According to Ballantine, J. (2001; p. 46), parenting styles that involve punishment trigger aggression in children, and then the aggression in children continue on to their own children, thus, resulting in an endless and vicious cycle. But just what is aggression? According to Bartol (1995; p. 184), aggression is a â€Å"behavior perpetrated or attempted with the intention of harming another individual physically or psychologically (as opposed to socially) or to destroy an object† (p. 184). According to Moeller (2001), agreement to Bartol (1995; p. ), defines aggression as an act to that has intent to harm another object or person. Aggression as effect of punishments can either be physical or psychological (Bartol 1995; p. 2 and Moeller, 2001). Many factors point to a child’s aggression, one of which is parenting styles adopted by parents. Actually, if the child is constantly exposed to excessive punishments, it is most likely that the child would be inclining to aggres sive behavior. Punishment is actually a form of aggression that can very well make the child inclined to aggression himself. If the child is repeatedly treated aggressively or punished excessively by his parents would most likely resort to aggression later on. As shown in the study of Hill (1990; pp. 70-77), punishment is also observed in schools or in any learning situation. Hill (1990; pp. 70-77) claimed that reliance on such measures i. e. punishment have negative effects on the learners. In all styles of teaching and classroom management, there are proper ways of carrying out the strategies so that the ends to these styles may be met (Hill 1990; pp. 70-77). In the case of assertion as added by Meyer, A. 1990), there are positive and negative methods of reinforcing these strategies. As students’ behavior vary, the teachers’ delicate role is to determine which would work best for the particular students. Basically, Meyer, A. (1990) stated that learners will react differently to situations, and if every positive method does not work out with them, then negative reinforcement is called for. T his is not to become unfair to the students. This is just to show them that there are regulations to be observed and authorities to be respected, as that virtue will better prepare them for life outside the confines of the school. There is no perfect way of teaching and classroom management. There are only receptive teachers who are attuned to individual students’ needs, thus a successful implementation of the assertive style of teaching and classroom management (Meyer, A. 1990). In the report of Hill (1990; pp. 70-77) on an incident in preschool in which punishment was used to help children learn to obey rules. One of the punishment procedures was to write the name of the offending child on the board the first time non-compliance with rules occurred. The goal is impressive in that it make the most of learning time, but there were some unintentional depressing side effects. In this case, a child told to his parents the list of names of â€Å"bad kids† in the class, and the child also described how they were being reprimanded. The child also told to her parents that these kids had their names written on the board. In relation to this, the child asked his parents if being with the kids would make him become one of them. From the child’s story, the mother decided to visit the school where she found a group of 5 and 6 year olds trying not to speak or move. As the parent observed, the teacher was diligently using rewards and punishment to mould the behavior of children. But every time a child giggled or laugh extremely or spoke without permission, another name went on the board. As the result, most of boys who came from families of lower socioeconomic background are found on that board (Hill 1990; pp. 70-77). From the results of the study of Hill (1990; pp. 70-77), it appears evident that what the child had absorbed from their punishment experiences, either vicariously or literally, was to spotlight on the manners that the teacher found unpleasant. The children tend to avoid such behavior at all costs, even if it is annoying just to impress the teacher instead of attending to the learning activities. As part of the giving punishment in shaping the behavior of the child, classroom management as stated by (Slavin, 2005; p. 1) in his paper should be observed. One characteristic of effective classroom management introduced by Slavin is that it involves a clear, specific plan of classroom rules and procedures that would guide performance (Slavin, 2005; p. 1). There was also a reward and punishment system observed. According to the teachers in the report of (Slavin, 2005; p. 1), every student was treated without bias but recognition was given to the most deserving and punishment was also implemented to address misbehavior. Praise or exemptions from some projects were the usual rewards given to performing students. The usual punishments were extra assignment, reprimand, or in worst case, detention. The purpose of the reward and punishment system was to delineate the acceptable behavior from the unacceptable. Praise i. e. â€Å"catching the students in the act of doing right†, can be a powerful motivator for many students. One strategy for reducing misbehavior in class is to make sure to praise students for behaviors that are incompatible with the misbehavior you want to reduce (Slavin , 2005; p. 1). In relation to this, Kounin (1970; p. 10) justified that the transfer of pupil attention to the child being punished is a usual phenomenon, and almost always results in less attention, rather than more, being paid to the desired learning outcomes. Every so often, the teacher's intent to help a child alter a behavior to one which is more acceptable to both the youngster and his superiors has tragic sequelae. Educators using disciplinary procedures perceived by the child as stringent and unfeeling can cause trauma. According to Hyman and Zelikoff (1987; pp. 1-2), the symptoms of this trauma are often similar to those observed in adults with Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Symptoms seen in children include somatic complaints, avoidance of school, and sleep disturbances. As Skinner (1974; p. 8) emphasized a behavior which is followed a positive reinforcing motivation or circumstance will result in an increased tendency or probability that the person will repeat such behavior, this concept also operates in the opposite direction wherein the person will have a decreased tendency to do an act from which he or she received a negative reinforcement in the form of punishment. According to Thorndike (1912; p. 164-165), the main business of thought surely is to guide and control action. To make it intelligent, adaptive, efficient, Thorndike’s Law of Effect proposed an alternative means of achieving the same end. Effects, rewards and punishments, were seen as stamping actions â€Å"in† or â€Å"out† and selectively, intelligently, adaptively determining behavior (Pavlov, 1927; p. 25). The effects of a given action thus altered redirected, controlled subsequent conduct and left no place or need for thought or intellect. While Pavlov’s formulations, though different principle from those of Thorndike but similar in goal. Pavlov was likewise interested, not just in a theory of learning but also in the organism’s total behavior, in what was later referring as the principles of adaptive action. Both trial and error learning and conditioning imply adaptation to the environment but this end was achieved in both cases mechanically, non-mentalistically without thought (Pavlov, 1927; p. 25). As part of development in shaping the behavior of an individual Thorndike 1912 reported that the two-factor learning theory in its version accepted Thorndale’s theory of habit formation, essentially unmodified and in doing so, necessarily aligned itself with the thoughtless psychologies or behavior-zoologies (Thorndike 1912; p. 64-165). In admitting fear conditioning and in developing a feedback conception of punishment, the theory disposed itself toward what has become explicit. Now response facilitation as no less a matter of conditioning and meaning change than is response inhibition. And what is more immediately important, this new position, while in some ways just as mechanical and automatic as were the views of Thorndike and Pavlov. The prototype of knowledge in general are hopes and fears, both are internal events and such are assumed to be learned and after learning, to occur in a purely automatic, involuntary manner, these are mechanism and determinism. There is no simple and direct relationship between what an organism learns and what it does. Action is the result of more or less intricate and elaborate processes intervening between the end result of more or less intricate and elaborate processes â€Å"intervening between the end results of learning and the execution of behavior† (Thorndike 1912; p. 64-165). As described in the previous discussions, motivation and reward offers more positive effect in learning than punishment. Punishment normally directs the action to do desired behavior which results to aggression, weak learning and trauma. The incident of trauma from punishment initiated by educators is much greater than one would think. According to the study of Hyman and Zelikoff (1987; p. 11), 40 to 60 percent of college graduates remember an event of extremely retaliatory disciplinary action given by educators. In Unites States over 1,000,000 students were beaten by their teachers in 1980 (Meyer 1990; 30-47). As revealed in the study of Hyman and Zelikoff (1987), an individual that was previously abuse, beaten and punish are prone to become aggressors and criminals. Thus, the community should identify the significant risk factors of aggression and punishment provided by the community itself, the families that comprise the community, schools and academic institutions in the area, and individual backgrounds of the people. Moreover, the family also provides certain risk factors of aggression and punishment contributory to the development of violent attitudes and behaviors among children such as lack of oversight of children’s activities and habits, unfair and severe punishment for any misdemeanors and mistakes, conflicts between parents and children and between siblings, and parental toleration of violent behaviors. Review Synthesis From the given reviews concerning punishments, it is justified that parents, should very well know how to raise their children. Psychologists and researchers often recommend the use of authoritative parenting since it is well-rounded in all parenting aspects but they should be cautious in giving punishments. Since authoritative parents have high expectations of their children, one can expect that a child will be pushed to do the best, and that authoritative parents also reciprocate love and warmth, the child can have feelings of security. Another is that a child can also have the freedom to express his own thoughts and beliefs. The relationship between parenting styles and punishment resulting to aggression is very clear. Authoritative and Permissive parents’ children often resort to aggression since the upbringing of the parents is, faulty, if you may. The resort to aggression can also be triggered by relatively high and constant exposure to aggression by family, peers and the media. Also, the cross-generational aggression can also trigger aggression. It creates an unending cycle of aggression. On the other hand, punishment given to a child in school setting should be observed by the educators to avoid weak learning effectiveness. Positive learning environment or classroom management involves the strategies that teachers implement in preventing and handling misbehavior, using class time effectively, creating an atmosphere that encourages interest and inquiry, and permitting activities that engage students’ minds and imaginations (Slavin, 2005). Teacher should carefully observe the effect of punishments to students. Actually, it is suggested that teacher should use rewards strategy more often than giving punishment. Teachers and students have to work together to sustain positive behaviors and effective atmosphere for learning in order to ensure the successful transmission of knowledge in the classroom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jacksonian democracy Essay

Jacksonian Democracy refers to the political philosophy of United States President Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Jackson’s policies followed in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson. Jackson’s Democratic Party was resisted by the rival Whig Party. More broadly, the term refers to the period of the Second Party System (1824-1854) when Jacksonian philosophy was ascendant as well as the spirit of that era. It can be contrasted with the characteristics of Jeffersonian democracy, which dominated the previous political era. Jackson’s equal political policy became known as Jacksonian Democracy, subsequent to ending what he termed a â€Å"monopoly† of government. The Jacksonian era saw a great increase of respect and power for the common man, as the electorate expanded to include all white male adult citizens, rather than only land owners in that group. In contrast to the Jeffersonian era, Jacksonian democracy promoted the strength of the presidency and executive branch at the expense of Congress, while also seeking to broaden the public’s participation in government. Jacksonians believed in enfranchising all white men, rather than just the propertied class, and supported the patronage system that enabled politicians to appoint their supporters into administrative offices, arguing it would reduce the power of elites and prevent aristocracies from emerging. They demanded elected (not appointed) judges and rewrote many state constitutions to reflect the new values. In national terms the Jacksonians favored geographical expansion, justifying it in terms of Manifest Destiny. There was usually a consensus among both Jacksonians and Whigs that battles over slavery should be avoided. The Jacksonian Era lasted roughly from Jackson’s 1828 election until the slavery issue became dominant after 1850 and the American Civil War dra matically reshaped American politics as the Third Party System emerged.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Bridge Is Big Essays - Dental Equipment, Oral Hygiene, Toothpick

My Bridge Is Big Essays - Dental Equipment, Oral Hygiene, Toothpick My Bridge Is Big 5th period Mr. Moore Physics My Bridge is Big! I built my bridge on the foundation of triangles because any engineer will tell you they are one of the strongest shapes. No matter where you put pressure that other two sides of the triangle pick up the excess pressure. I decided to build the triangles into boxes so the support would spread out over a much greater area. I also added extra glue to the joints to strengthen the corners that did not match up really flush. In doing so I created joints that were not entirely straight but hold up just as well. I also cut the toothpicks so I could use whole ones as hypotenuses. Many were thrown out because they were broken or had defects in them. Many difficulties I encountered were not having enough fingers to glue the four sides down. Also it was a huge mess when the glue bottle became clogged and would not pour out until you squeezed it very hard. Well it then came oozing out all over your bridge and wasted like half the tube all over the wax paper or your mothers nice table. It was also very hard to get the toothpicks to stay in the upright position and when you moved a slight bit either way the toothpick on the other side would fall over. Mechanical engineering involved in the bridge building process included finding out that 45-degree angles were the strongest and that mass and stress put on these angles broke after the toothpicks were bent. Some careers include architecture, masonry, carpentry, astronomy and being a high school physics teacher. Bibliography don't need one

Monday, October 21, 2019

Effect of Polluted Air. essays

Effect of Polluted Air. essays Effect of Polluted Air in Our Lives. Air pollution is the most harmful substance to the atmosphere resulting in damage to the environment, human health, and quality of life. It is not only a personal or national problem but it also has become a global problem. Air pollution mostly occurs from human activities, and it is including burning fossil fuels like- natural gas, coal, and oil, and decomposing garbage in landfills. Vehicles are the main source of burning fossil fuels. The Bangladesh department of environment has identified that 200,000vehicle and 40,000 two-stroke engine baby taxis are the worst polluters in Dhaka city (Islam, 2000). Pollutants also come from natural source; for example, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and smog make the air hazardous. Air pollution has become alarming, and it endangers peoples lives in many ways; therefore, we must address this problem to risk free our lives as soon as possible. The first dilemma is people suffer from many kinds of sickness because of polluted air. The article, Health Effects of Air Pollution states that, when people breathe air with higher level of ozone, it makes them cough, become short of breathe, and feel tightness in the chest. It can also irritate the nose, throat and eyes. It produces mucous, and limits the lungs ability to keep harmful, very small particles out. It may cause people to develop asthma, allergies and respiratory infections (2000, P. 2-3). Furthermore, polluted air increases the temperature by changing the atmosphere that lets in more radiation from the sun. As a result, people always suffer from sunburn, and crops and forests are mostly damaged due to the high temperature. Moreover, air pollution is the major cause of acid rain. Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to damage of trees at high elevations. In addition, acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Majoring in International Business

Majoring in International Business Business is more global than ever before. There are a growing number of companies who are conducting commercial operations across borders.  Furthermore, international business  is constantly expanding and evolving. This has created a need for business managers who are well-versed in all aspects of international business. A quality international business degree can be a wonderful springboard for individuals who are interested in securing a position within the global business market. International Business Coursework Business majors who study international business learn how business is conducted within their home country as well as other countries. They focus on learning how to serve customers in international markets, and how to take a local business global. Specific courses may include topics like strategic planning, government relations, and policy analysis. Educational Requirements Educational requirements for business majors who want to work in international business vary, and often depend upon the career goal. Students who want to work as a cultural advisor or in international banking will need more advanced degrees than someone who merely wishes to add knowledge of international business to their management skills arsenal. To get an idea of what types of international business degrees are available, and what you can expect from these degree programs, follow these links: Associate Programs  are two-year introductory programs that consist primarily of general education courses. Most positions in international business will require more than an associates degree.BBA Programs  provide a bachelors level education in business administration and take about four years of full-time study to complete. A BBA degree program will give students the basic knowledge required to secure an entry-level position in international business.MBA Programs  are for business majors who want to work in supervisory positions or other advanced positions, a masters level program in business administration is a good choice. These programs take one to two years to complete. Choosing an International Business Program   There are a growing number of schools that offer programs in international business. If you are a current business major or aspiring business major and are interested in international business, you should carefully research the potential job market, as well as the schools reputation in the field prior to enrolling in an international business program. This will allow you to choose the best career path and the best school before you begin your studies. Careers in International Business After successfully completing an international business program, business majors should be able to secure a number of positions within the business field. The positions graduates are best qualified for will depend on the education received. For example, someone who focused mainly on the marketing aspects of international business will be best suited for a marketing-related position, while students who specialized in the entrepreneurial aspect of ​international business will be prepared to start their own company or offer consulting services to established organizations.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

British cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

British cinema - Essay Example The society is always grappling with a lot challenges such as poverty, poor governance, disasters and such challenges dictates the context within which the films are made with the aim that they will of making the society better (Ashby & Andrew, 2000). Whenever the audience watches the films on various themes there conscious is pricked, and they get empowered through such films to fight for a better society. The influence of film to the society cannot be overlooked. This begs the need for the directors and all other stakeholders in the film industry to up their game and ensure that their content is based on the realities that exist in the society with a view to making the society a better place to live in and exist. Synopsis of the films Loach directed, and Sally Hibbin produced the 1990 film Riff Raff. The main stars in the movie are Robert Carlyle and Rick Tomlinson. The movie was such a hit and won the coveted European Film Award in the year 1991. The character Stevie (Robert Carly le) is having a rough time in London and decides to secure employment at a site as a builder. Stevie soon begins (Brunsdon, 2007) to make friend s at the building site; he meets Shem, Mo, and Larry, who offer him an empty makeshift flat. Stevie later bumps into Susan (Emmer McCourt) an upcoming actor and musician. Stevie begins to help Susan to get some support from his workmates at the site. With time, Stevie and Susan move in together, and they appear to be happy at least for some time. Larry appears to be a gallant critique of the Conservative Party and Margret Thatcher, who is the Prime minister at the time. Larry seems to be on his own; the rest of the crew are not interested in discussing any political affairs. To them, politics do not help their situation. At the workplace, the crew is working under despicable conditions (Blandford, 2007). Workers safety is not the priority of the management; people have to endure longer working hours on a meager pay. Moreover, there is no jo b security; the workers are dismissed on baseless grounds. In the meantime, Susan's relationship with Stevie hit a dead end and the two-part ways. The workers can no longer take the harsh condition at the workplace, especially after the sudden death of their colleague who falls off from the rooftop. Stevie leads his colleagues to setting up the building of fire. In Raining Stones (1993), Ken Loach puts into perspective a story of a devoted man who despite coming from a humble background is very proud. He is Bob; he is determined against all odds to find his little girl an expensive dress as a gift for her First Communion. This, however, gets him into trouble; he resorts to desperate measures in a bid to raise the money to secure for her daughter the dress. His desperate pursuit of money puts casts him on the bad light and compromises his image in the society (Bazin, 2005). This movie is prejudging by the fact that it won the Jury Prize in its maiden year in 19993 at the â€Å"Canne s Film Festival. Socio-historical and institutional Background of the films The films do not concentrate on the visual style so much but rather on the challenges that the society is grappling with. Such social issues include housing problems, poverty, bad governance, and disasters. In the 1960s and 1970s Britain was not a democratized society as it is today. So most of the films produced around that time targeted to sensitize the society against such odds.

Events that left to the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Events that left to the Civil War - Essay Example Most northerners had no problem with the idea of states rights. However, they believed that slavery was to be ruled by the United States federal law so no state had the right to secede when it came to this. This became a source of conflict between the north and south. As a result of this, antislavery groups made up of people calling themselves abolitionists were formed. Consequently people and especially the minority groups who were mainly slaves learned new ideas about human rights and freedom. With the fear that the federal government of the United States would force them to give up slavery, southern politicians opted to balance the number of free sates and slave states. 1Arnold points out that â€Å"if the number of free states was the same as the number of slave states, there was political balance.† The number of states that allowed slavery was thus eleven while eleven states banned slavery. Until 1820, conflict between the northern and southern states was avoided since th e number of free and slave states had remained equal. However, this balance was disturbed by the expansion of the United States west of river Mississippi. By 1820, many southerners had moved to the region of Missouri, and taken their slaves with them despite the fact that Missouri was geographically located in the north. In the same year Missouri became the first state in the territory of Louisiana to apply for admission into the Union. Missouri had thousands of slaves then so it was given that it would apply for admission as a slave state. This would however, distort the balance between free and slave states. Consequently, political leaders had to make agreements and compromises to keep the nation together. The United States House of Representatives was controlled by the north and there was no way it was going to allow slavery to expand in Missouri. To prevent the expansion of slavery, the House of Representatives passed a bill aimed and gradually eliminating slaves in Missouri. Ac cording to the bill, no new slaves were to be brought into Missouri, and children of Missouri slaves, upon reaching the age of twenty five would be declared free. Although the House of Representatives passed this law, it was turned down by the senate, which had equal representation of the north and the south. The problem with this bill was solved by Henry Clay, who proposed a compromise. To pacify the south, 2Hazen points out that â€Å"Clay suggested that Missouri be permitted to enter the Union as a slave state since that was what she already was in reality.† To appease the north, Clay suggested that slavery be barred for ever from the remaining regions of Louisiana territory. Meanwhile, Maine which had also applied for admission into the Union would be admitted as a free state. The solution would thus maintain a balance of twelve free and twelve slave states. After a long, bitter and ugly debate between the northern and southern congressmen, the Missouri Compromise was pas sed. Missouri was admitted into the union as a slave state while Maine was admitted as a free state and slavery was banned in the northern part of Louisiana territory. Consequently, peace between the north and the south was restored for several more decades. For several decades’ peace between the north and south was maintained by the Missouri Compromise. However, in 1850, the issue of slavery and its expansion surfaced again. In 1848, Gold

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Ethics Degree Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Ethics Degree - Case Study Example If the business goes down and profitability gets affected, this will have a direct impact on the salaries and perks of the workforce. On the other hand if there are more activities on the runway, expansion of the functional areas, addition of another runway, that implies better promotional avenues for the workforce and more job opportunities. The management (top management): The top management can be clubbed with the workforce as well, but this body being a policy making body, is supposed to be answerable to the adverse reactions in the media, NGO's concerns, passengers woes etc. Therefore if the functioning is smooth at the airport, that's a happy situation for the top management as it gets a pat on the back, besides of course, hefty remuneration. The passengers i.e. air travellers: Air travellers are the key customers of the services being offered by an airport. If there are additions in the facilities, it results in reduction of the waiting time in queues, better ambience, more spacious waiting lounges, more facilities at the airport etc. Such additions are bound to delight the customer. If the runway capacity increases, that implies lesser delay in landing and take-offs. This works to the advantage of the air travellers. The investors: Since BAA is a public... All this certainly helps the investor as better dividend can be expected on the investments. The residents living in the vicinity of the airport: Adding another runway implies more aircrafts landing and taking-off in quick succession. This might lead to more noise pollution in the surrounding areas, which might rob off the area residents from their well-deserved peaceful time with their family members, guests etc. BAA will therefore have to take extra care towards reducing the noise levels, which could imply making some additional investments. The airlines: Airlines will of course be the happiest lot with the addition of another runway, because that results in; Less fuel consumptions, as the aircraft doesn't have to hover over the airport, waiting for its turn to get the landing space. Customer satisfaction, as the carrier is now able to maintain time discipline in landing as well as in take-offs More parking space for the aircrafts near the runway, which saves time and money incurred on towing the aircraft to another corner of the airport. The suppliers and other business associates: More business implies more business activities for the suppliers and business associates of the airport as well as the concerned airlines. The Government: If BAA is able to satisfy its customers, able to maintain international quality standards, earn more profits, that implies a happy situation for the government. But if the airport gets a flak for its functioning, NGOs are up in arms against the policies, the governments has to spend considerable amount on placating those concerns. 1.2. From a utilitarian perspective, would you argue for or against the proposed new runway From the utilitarian perspective I will surely argue for the proposed new

Impact and influence of The Harlem Renaissance Research Paper

Impact and influence of The Harlem Renaissance - Research Paper Example They helped each other in coming up with better ways of living to benefit their way of living to better standards. The Harlem Renaissance was a culture that cropped up in the early 1920’s and 1930’s, centered in Harlem neighborhood of New York City (Rampersad 2002, p 48). The group had many French speaking black writers from the African continent and some hailed from the Caribbean colonies. The black people had a considerable huge influence to the composition and recording of the music that was connected to the Harlem renaissance in the hood. At a point in time, the Harlem renaissance was also recognized as ‘new negro movement’ named after an anthology by Alain Locke. He was very influential and responsible for the smooth running of the association that made him be rewarded posthumously (Huggins 2007, p 37). There are plausible of the Harlem renaissance have lived longer after and extended its influence to today’s life especially in the music industr y. Previously, the crew had been involved in theatre plays that revealed utter opportunities that the people could use in expressing themselves in complex human emotions and characters. The plays were initiated majorly to give an outward and influential reasoning to the whole world to reduce the highly incumbent stereotype nature against the blacks and Negros. The Harlem renaissance went ahead to write poems that were especially linked to the way of life in the contemporary world that linked the behavior of Negros and their way of life in America. The African Americans developed a notion that they should help each other as they had been suffering for lots of years in slavery and forced labour. This idea made them look out for ways of deluding from the negativities in the society by discovering and enhancing their talents. Many people were talented in different aspects in their living and had to come up with ways of nurturing talent in different ways as long as it could better their living standards. This idea was psyched up by developers selling the Harlem rentals to many black people (New York times 1997, p. 931). Black people started owning real estates and in turn rented exclusively to fellow black people. They developed institutions and businesses to support themselves in their living. This in turn would develop their arrays of talents and ambitions, as they would use their interactions to increase their productivity in the music sector. The advocate of Harlem renaissance for racial equality created an advanced epicenter for their celebrity and became widely known in the whole region as it was among the largest known civil rights group in their headquarters. The movement discussed the problems facing the black community and in collaboration with prominent African American activists developed ways to face their challenges. Impacts of Harlem renaissance First of all, the Harlem renaissance helped in establishing a sense of community and empowerment for Afric an Americans in New York and extended to other parts of the United States. The group created avenues of exposing the African Americans to people in the region who had a vast experience in the different aspects and walks of life. The group transformed the largely segregated and racial American community and influenced meetings of black people with the white’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Literary analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literary analysis - Essay Example Welty portrays the treatment meted out to the old woman in an eloquent manner, such that, the real life scenarios and the hardships faced by people due to factors like race, sex, religion and color can be clearly related with the story. The beginning of the story is so wavering that one tends to feel that there is no goal in the story, but at the end of both the story and the journey of Phoenix, one gets to understand the ultimate goal that Welty tried to present. Hardship, racism, solitude and indomitable love towards her grandson build the theme of the story, running their roots till the last part of it. Before progressing towards analyzing the literary aspects of the story being told, it is well worth to mention how well Welty has taken efforts to express the hardships faced by the woman in terms of her physical abilities. "Her eyes were blue with age," and "She carried a thin, small cane made from an umbrella, and with this she kept tapping the frozen earth in front of her" (Welt y 1941) clearly express about her being blind and having to take every step with an umbrella stick. That the protagonist is very old with almost a complete lack of physical strength is expressed by the author through the words, â€Å"Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles†. ... (Dan 1973) The plot begins on a chill morning, with the winter reaching its peak in the month of December. As Phoenix begins her walk, she expresses her feelings about the wild animals that she could meet in her journey. She indicates to those animals that she has a long road ahead to travel. Although the author expresses it as a direct interpretation towards the animals, indirectly, it is also to indicate the readers that she is suffering from senility. Another example shown by the author to instill this point in reader’s mind is when she sees a scarecrow and gets afraid thinking it to be a ghost. To add more credibility to this point, the author also doesn’t forget to mention that this is a path that Phoenix used to travel frequently in past. It is important to understand the abundant amount of information that author is trying to deliver through this single scenario. At first, she tells about her physical hardships, then about the hallucinations, her long journey and most of all, her determination to be in focus towards the goal irrespective of the disabilities. Welty has carved out exquisitely the characters of the supporting cast of the story. Be it the grandson, the hunter and the nurse, their characters are portrayed in a way very similar to how old age people are treated in day to day life. The use of figures of speech like â€Å"mouth open like a littlebird† (Welty 1941), to explain the condition of her grandson, vitalizes the readers and brings out a sense of joy in them. Once Phoenix crosses the hills, she stumbles on a hunter’s dog and meets with the hunter. Despite the hunter’s helping hand, the author brings

Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Current Issues - Essay Example Every organization’s main concern is to create and maintain productive employment. While concerns have been stated over gender issues, actual change has not taken place. Organizational learning was supposed to help organizations respond better to the demands of the environment. Today organizations are expected to be more gender equitable and improve their capacity to undertake development or human rights work that is not gender-biased (Kelleher, n.d.). This essay will identify the link between gender and learning at work, and finally discuss how organizations, which fail to consider gender issues, cannot become effective learning organizations. According to Khandekar & Sharma (2005) companies realize that the way an organization learns is the key determinant for sustainable competitive advantage. According to Griego et al., (2000) today a learning organization reflects the aspirations of its leaders. A learning organizations focuses on the characteristics, principles and systems of an organization that produces and learns collectively. Learning organizations lead to turn-around success stories in major companies. Through learning all the members continuously transform themselves. It is better able to collect, manage and use knowledge. Such organizations allow their people to expand and explore their creativity, where new patterns of thinking are nurtured, and where people learn how to learn together (Griego et al., 2000). According to Griego et al., (2000) five HRD functions have been categorized as key aspects of a learning organization. These include training and education, rewards and recognition, information flow, vision and strategy and individual team development. Training and education is a tool for learning and learning facilitates performance improvement. Recognition boosts employees’ esteem and gives them a greater sense of ownership in the organization. This results is reduced turnover and absenteeism, greater employee interest and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literary analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literary analysis - Essay Example Welty portrays the treatment meted out to the old woman in an eloquent manner, such that, the real life scenarios and the hardships faced by people due to factors like race, sex, religion and color can be clearly related with the story. The beginning of the story is so wavering that one tends to feel that there is no goal in the story, but at the end of both the story and the journey of Phoenix, one gets to understand the ultimate goal that Welty tried to present. Hardship, racism, solitude and indomitable love towards her grandson build the theme of the story, running their roots till the last part of it. Before progressing towards analyzing the literary aspects of the story being told, it is well worth to mention how well Welty has taken efforts to express the hardships faced by the woman in terms of her physical abilities. "Her eyes were blue with age," and "She carried a thin, small cane made from an umbrella, and with this she kept tapping the frozen earth in front of her" (Welt y 1941) clearly express about her being blind and having to take every step with an umbrella stick. That the protagonist is very old with almost a complete lack of physical strength is expressed by the author through the words, â€Å"Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles†. ... (Dan 1973) The plot begins on a chill morning, with the winter reaching its peak in the month of December. As Phoenix begins her walk, she expresses her feelings about the wild animals that she could meet in her journey. She indicates to those animals that she has a long road ahead to travel. Although the author expresses it as a direct interpretation towards the animals, indirectly, it is also to indicate the readers that she is suffering from senility. Another example shown by the author to instill this point in reader’s mind is when she sees a scarecrow and gets afraid thinking it to be a ghost. To add more credibility to this point, the author also doesn’t forget to mention that this is a path that Phoenix used to travel frequently in past. It is important to understand the abundant amount of information that author is trying to deliver through this single scenario. At first, she tells about her physical hardships, then about the hallucinations, her long journey and most of all, her determination to be in focus towards the goal irrespective of the disabilities. Welty has carved out exquisitely the characters of the supporting cast of the story. Be it the grandson, the hunter and the nurse, their characters are portrayed in a way very similar to how old age people are treated in day to day life. The use of figures of speech like â€Å"mouth open like a littlebird† (Welty 1941), to explain the condition of her grandson, vitalizes the readers and brings out a sense of joy in them. Once Phoenix crosses the hills, she stumbles on a hunter’s dog and meets with the hunter. Despite the hunter’s helping hand, the author brings

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The ompany Apple Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The ompany Apple - Research Paper Example This paper studies Apple, the company’s history and changes over a period of time. The story began in the Santa Clara Valley of California, then known for its fruit orchards, world know it as Silicon Valley after Apple. Steven Paul Jobs and Stephen Gary Wozniak (Woz) were introduced by Woz’s neighbor, Bill Fernandez. Bill and Woz worked together for building their first computer from parts discarded by local companies due to cosmetic defaults. They named it after their favorite beverage, â€Å"cream soda computer†. Those days computers were discouragingly expensive. Woz was compelled to design computers on paper. He concentrated on minimizing the number of components in order to design as clean electronics as possible. After withdrawing from college in 1971, 16-years-old Steven Jobs met 21-years-old Woz. Jobs convinced Woz for mass production and selling of the computer design he made. The duo, Woz, the engineer, and Jobs, the marketing maven, worked amazingly we ll and the rest is history (O’Grady 1-2). Jobs needed computer parts for his class project; he called Bill Hewlett at his home and asked him. Hewlett not only gave him required parts, but also gave him a summer job at HP assembly frequency counters as an appreciation of the initiative Jobs took. Woz went back to academics and enrolled into University of California, simultaneously, he joined hands with Jobs who convinced him for the dream of owning a company (O’Grady 2).On his mother’s indication, Woz built â€Å"blue boxes† by following the instructions in 1971 issue of Esquire. The born marketer, Jobs purchased the parts and sold them in the dorms for $150 each under the alias Oaf Tobark. Jobs shared the profits with Woz alias Berkeley Blue, whose job was to build devices (qtd in O’Grady 2). Woznaik joined Homebrew Computer Club in 1975.HCC was an early computer enthusiasts’ group, several of Silicon Valley pioneers remained a part of the c lub at some point. Woz’s first major project was the Computer Conversor. Woz’s assistance was solicited by Alex Kamradt for developing a video-teletype machine for company’s minicomputers. Stimulated by teletype and inspired by an Altair 8800, Woz integrated a dedicated microprocessor into his lowly teletype and transformed it into a completely functional computer (O’Grady 2-3). Woz could not afford purchasing Central Processing Unit (CPU); therefore, he worked at HP and kept tinkering with Altair at home. As MOS Technology released their 6502 processor for only $20, Woz adapted his 6800 paper designs to run on MOS processor. Woz completed Apple I and demonstrated it at Homebrew Club. Jobs immediately identified its potential to sell it to the hobbyists (O’Grady 3). Apple I stood out because a standard television was used as a monitor when other computers had no display at all. No doubt, it was faster than teletype at that time, but its speed was n ot exceptional. In terms of design, Apple I was the pioneer. Woz was a maven when it comes to minimizing the number of chips in a certain design. He minimized price and complexity by simplifying the debugging process. His chip reduction strategy was the most cherished and respected among his peers. Apple I had boot code on a Read Only Memory (ROM), later Woz added loads and save programs to cassette on Paul Terrell’s suggestion (O’

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nonsense poem Essay Example for Free

Nonsense poem Essay Jabberwocky is a nonsense poem authored by Lewis Carroll which is contained in his famous work Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There in 1871. As many literary scholars and critics argue, Jabberwocky is normally regarded to be one of the utmost â€Å"nonsense poems† worked out in the English language. But though it is termed as nonsense poem, it is employed in various schools to educate learners on the application of portmanteaux. The poem is comprised of various terminologies and expressions that do not really have equivalent meanings in the English language. The words used by Carroll’s throughout the poem are mainly combinations of different words which are fused into one expression or term. As Jabberwocky revolves on a legend of a fictional monster and how it is slain in the tale, it suggests a very imaginary and unreal story and events which complements the structure of the poem with nonsensical terms. According to literary scholars, the original purpose of the Jabberwocky and its structure is directed towards Carroll’s criticisms against pompous and â€Å"ignorant literary critics. † Nevertheless, after the publication of it, it became a subject for different literary interpretations and even used in schools for some literary discussions and appreciations. The Jabberwocky conveys every possible fictional characters and events which are harmonized by the inclusion of superfluous nonsense expressions and terminologies. But no matter how unconventional it may appear, the effect of Jabberwocky impacts the society form culture to education which makes it a very popular culture since its publication. The unintentional and unexpected outcome which the poem produces strengthens and proves the uncertainty and unpredictable character of a potential great literary work. Reference Carroll, L. Stewart, J. (2003). Jabberwocky. Candlewick.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Labor and Childbirth - The Event of a Lifetime Essay -- Observation Ess

Childbirth - The Event of a Lifetime A description can never be as vivid as an event that has been experienced. An experience can never be as defining as an event that has left you changed. Under the intensity of childbirth, you're more likely to remember details that would otherwise go unnoticed. All the scenes come together to leave a permanent imprint on the mind's eye. The hospital room holds all the usual scenery: rooms lining featureless walls, carts full of foreign devices and competent looking nurses ready to help whatever the need be. The side rails of the bed smell of plastic. The room is enveloped with the smell of plastic. A large bed protrudes from the wall. It moves from one stage to the next, with the labor, so that when you come to the "bearing" down stage, the stirrups can be put in place. The side rails of the bed provide more comfort than the hand of your coach, during each contraction. The mattress of the bed is truly uncomfortable for a woman in so much pain. The eager faces of your friends and family staring at your half naked body seem to be acceptabl...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Computer Aided Learning: The way of the Future? :: Essays Papers

Computer Aided Learning: The way of the Future? As you look around at classrooms these days you may notice a trend. Computers are becoming more and more frequent each year. Teachers are using the latest technology to run power point presentations, streaming videos, and simulations that were never possible before. It ha becomes the new hallmark of teaching, allowing teachers to do more then ever thought possible. Companies have jumped on the bandwagon, selling aid to teachers and students. You can buy software for just about anything now a days. I know I had software for the SAT and ACT test that help considerably. But when do we have too much of a good thing? This is the debate that companies are going through, as well. Companies now have the choice of using normal human training or Computer-based training (CBT). Both have their advantages. Computer-based Training uses computer programs to teach without aid of a human instructor. Thus, you can get more people "efficiently" trained when they join the company, rather then waiting for the next training session. The premise of CBT, as stated by R. Scott Lawson in "Computer based training: is the next wave?", is an effective training medium. He goes on to say "Since the trainee directs his/her own progress through the material and actively participates by responding to prompts and questions, s/he pays greater attention to the subject matter." (Lawson sec.1 par.3) Also in this article Mr. Lawson describes the process of a CBT. The CBT gives a Pre-test. This test judge how much the trainee already knows on the subject matter. This pre-test helps the program customize itself for the trainee. Also test are taken to periodically to test the progress of the trainee. Another advantage of CBT is the bookmark feature. This allows you to stop and start the training at any time and get back to it later. Also you can customize your CBT program with company specific information, videos, and objectives. (Lawson sec. 2) The hopes of CBT are that the trainees retain the knowledge better then if taught by a human. In the article "Computer training vs. human instruction," by Holly Ann Suzik, Roger C. Schank was quoted as saying, "By and large, [human teachers] stand up in front of you and yak at you. And every body falls asleep. The sense that live humans are better teachers is a nice myth, because we don’t want to change.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Irish culture communicated by riverdance Essay

How Riverdance communicates stories about the Irish culture. Riverdance began as a succinct intermission piece when Ireland was the host of the Eurovision Song Contest. The Riverdance modernized the insight with regards to Irish dances. They deviated from the old straight-laced and rule-bound contest plans or format and turned it to a more contemporary and dramatic form of dance (Brennan, 1999). Of which, I have selected â€Å"Ceili† dancing, an Irish folk dance and â€Å"Mark Moris† dance. Ceili dancing is one of the two kinds of dances in Ireland where it is usually composed of a large number of dancers which is basically easy to pick up. Ceili dancing is one of the Irish folk dances, which is considered a social dance. Ceili dances generally require pairs and are danced where the couples are arranged into formations or sets (O’Keeffe, 1934). Frequently, squares of four couples, but many other formations are found, such as a ceili dance carried out with as few as three and as many as sixteen people. The quantity of couples in the ceili dance is unlimited and they are often in a long line. At times, they may proceed around in a circle. Though ceili dances have easy to pick-up steps, it is a fast paced dance, most of the time if not all, which makes it challenging (O’Keeffe, 1934). Irish social dances, like the ceili dances, are a living tradition. Though sometimes, variations may rise and the dances are modified thus choreographing a new kind of dance. â€Å"Mark Moris† dance. â€Å"Mark Moris† dance is named after Mark Moris, the soul of modern dancing that has been to a great extent valued and cherished all round the world where American modern dance is infused. Innovative steps of the â€Å"Mark Moris† dance cater to the younger generation by adding fresh improvements to the usual traditional dance. Museums, art galleries and old pagan customs are still eminent in Ireland. Ireland also offers a wide range of cultural events ranging from arts festivals to farming events, especially during the summer months. Ceili dancing is bounded to the traditional Irish culture. Though Ireland has a rich culture, ceili dancing for me would start to depreciate if it does not create ways to cater the new generation of Ireland youth or tourists. â€Å"Mark Moris† dance achieved a status that is highly appreciated and respected by the world due to its innovations, or the so-called modern dance. Riverdance is an example of an innovation in Ireland that helped in launching Irish culture to the world. The Riverdance is actually a theatrical show with traditional Irish step dancing, where most stepdancers also perform using ceili dances, exemplified by fixed arms and stationary body with fast and quick leg actions or movements. Riverdance continued its shows even outside Ireland. Moreover, Riverdance is able to create a bridge between the gap of the new generation and the old Ireland traditions and culture. With contemporary steps and improved formations without sacrificing the traditional Irish folk dances, it attracts the new audience creating a certain curiosity or inquisitiveness. After getting their attention, it then tells tales of the Ireland traditions and its rich culture, beliefs, stories and other aspects of Ireland customs through infused drama on its dances. It communicates to both the old and new youths of Ireland and to the tourists. Riverdance does not only communicate stories about the Irish culture within the boundaries of Ireland, but also to the world. References: 1997. April 27, 2007. . Brennan, Helen. â€Å"The Story of Irish Dancing. † Mount Eagle Publications Ltd. , 1999. O’Keeffe, J. G. , and Art O’Brien. â€Å"A Handbook of Irish Dances. † Gill and Son Ltd. , 1934.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Automated Grading System

If bridges and buildings were made like we make software, then we would have disasters happening daily. I have heard this several times from many people. It is sad but true. Buggy software is the bane of the software industry. One of the ways of increasing software quality is by proper education. Several professionals from the software industry also attest to this. They believe that a greater emphasis should be given to quality and testing in university courses. But simply explaining the principles of software quality is not sufficient.Students tend to forget theoretical principles over time. Practical exposure and experience is equally important. Students should be put in an environment where they can appreciate the importance of quality software and can experience the benefits of processes that enhance quality. Many universities have a period of internship for the students in which they work in a software company and experience these factors first hand. However because the internsh ip usually is of a duration of 3-6 months, it is not sufficient to instill the importance of quality.Emphasis on code quality should be made a part of the entire software curriculum for it to have proper impact. Every assignment that the students submit should be subjected to the same quality standards that an industrial project would be subjected to. Having university assignments adhere to industrial standards will result in the faculty having to spend more time grading the assignments. The faculty can no longer just give an assignment, wait for the students to submit it, and grade them. The faculty must be more like a project manager who constantly mentors the students and helps them improve the quality of their work.Along with spending a good amount of time mentoring students off class hours another challenge is timely evaluation of student assignments. Faculty members are already overloaded with the task of teaching, designing projects, grading, and research. Once we incorporate testing and quality into the curricula, each assignment will have to be graded along many more dimensions, such as quality of the tests, coverage of the tests, etc. This can be very time consuming. We need a mechanism which will automatically grade student assignments to the best possible extent, so that students are iven a timely feedback, and faculty can focus more on providing feedback on the style, design, and documentation of the project. Such a system will also bring consistency to the grading process and will eliminate discrepancies due to instructors bias and lethargy. A good automated grading system should be capable of executing the test cases written by students as well as the faculty on the project, determining the coverage of the test cases, and compiling and executing the submitted programs. It should be configurable so that faculty can determine the importance of various factors that make up the final grade.Several efforts have been made to design and implement autom ated grading systems in universities. Some existing systems are: 1. WEB-CAT[1] 2. Curator[2] 3. ASSYST[3] 4. Praktomat[4] 5. PGSE[5] 6. PILOT[6] In this article I will briefly explain two such automated grading systems – WEB-CAT, and the Praktomat systems, and propose a system that contains useful features from them as well as some new features. WEB-CAT WEB-CAT was created at Virginia Tech university to address the need for incorporating software testing as an integral part of all programming courses.The creators realized the need for a software to automatically grade student assignments to enable faster feedback to students and to balance the working load of faculty members. Since Test Driven Development (TDD) was to be used for all the assignments, the students had to be graded not only on the quality of code, but also on the quality of their test suite. WEB-CAT grades students on three criteria. It gives each assignment a test validity score, a test correctness score, and a code correctness score. Test validity measures the accuracy of the students tests. It determines if the tests are consistent with the problem tatement. Test coverage determines how much of the source code the tests cover. It determines if all paths and conditionals are adequately covered. Code correctness measures correctness of the actual code. All three criteria are given a certain weight-age and a final score is determined. WEB-CAT’s graphical user interface is inspired by the unit testing tool JUnit[7]. Just like JUnit it uses a green bar to show the test results. A text description containing details such as the number of tests that were run, and the number that passed is also provided. Basic features provided by WEB-CAT are: Submission of student assignments using a web based wizard interface †¢ Submission of test cases using a web based wizard interface †¢ Setup of assignments by faculty †¢ Download of student scores by the faculty †¢ Automatic gr ading with immediate feedback for student assignment WEB-CAT follows a certain sequence of steps to assess a project submission. A submission is assessed only if it compiles successfully. If compilation fails, then a summary of errors is displayed to the user. If the program is compiled successfully then WEB-CAT will assess the project on various parameters.It first tests the correctness of the program by running the student’s tests against the program. Since these tests are submitted by the students, and it is expected that 100% of the tests will pass, because we do not expect students to submit a program that fails their own tests. After this the student’s test cases are validated by running them against a reference implementation of the project created by the instructor. If a student’s test case fails on the reference implementation then it is deemed to be invalid. Finally the coverage of the student’s test cases is evaluated.Once the scores are obtain ed a cumulative score out of 100 is calculated applying a certain formula on the scores from all criteria. The results are displayed immediately to the student on an HTML interface. It was observed that the quality of student assignments increased significantly after using WEB-CAT. It was found that the code developed using WEB-CAT contained 45% fewer defects per 1000 (non commented) lines of code[8]. Praktomat Praktomat was created at Universitat Passau in Germany. The purpose of creating Praktomat was to build an environment which would help students enhance the quality of their code.Along with automated grading it also has a focus on peer reviews. The creators of Praktomat felt that reviewing others software and having one’s software reviewed helps in producing better code. This is the reason why Praktomat has a strong focus on peer review and allows users to review as well as annotate code written by other students. Students can resubmit their code any number of times til l the deadline. This way they can improve their code by adopting things they learned by reviewing other students code as well as lessons they learned by others feedback of their own code.Praktomat evaluates student assignments by running them against a test suite provided by the faculty. The faculty creates two test suites – a public suite and a secret suite. The public suite is distributed to the students to help them validate their project. The secret test suite is not made available to the students, but they are aware of its existence. An assignment is evaluated by automatically running both the test suites against it, and also by manual examination by the faculty. Praktomat was developed in Python, and is hosted on SourceForge[9]. ObservationsMy contention that student project submissions should be backed by a process to encourage best practices, and a software to automate as well as facilitate the process, has become stronger after reviewing WEB-CAT and Praktomat. What b est practices should we incorporate in the process? What are the features that an automated grading software should contain? WEB-CAT, Praktomat, and several other software give a good starting point. We can learn from their successes and failures, and enhance the offering by adding our own experience. WEB-CAT and several other sources[10] have shown us that TDD is definitely a good practice.In a university environment TDD will work best if it is complemented by instant feedback to the students. We want to have a process that will encourage students to improve the quality of their code. They should be graded on the best code they can submit till the deadline. Two things are needed for this – instant feedback and the ability to resubmit assignments. WEB-CAT achieves this by assessing submissions in real time, and displaying the results to the students immediately. WEB-CAT allows students to re-submit assignments any number of time till the due date.Since faculty members are alr eady overloaded with work, the software should take some of the faculties responsibilities. WEB-CAT automatically evaluates and grades the student’s assignments, leaving faculty with time for more meaningful activities. Praktomat has shown us that there is a definite benefit to peer review. When we review code written by others, we can go beyond the paradigms set in our own mind. Having our code reviewed by others can help us see our shortcomings which we may have earlier overlooked. Praktomat allows students to review code written by others.However the review is hidden from the faculty, to ensure that it does not impact grading. Praktomat does not rely on 100% automatic evaluation of the assignments. Praktomat evaluates certain aspects automatically and the rest are evaluated manually. Factors like code quality, documentation, etc are reviewed and evaluated manually by the faculty. There may be two reasons for this. Software to support automatic evaluation of these things ma y not have been available when Praktomat was written, or the creators felt that certain things are best evaluated by the faculty.A proposed system for automated grading Based on my observations from reviewing the above software systems and from my own experience, I have defined a process and the functional expectations of a software system that supports TDD and automated grading. The Process †¢ Every project should have a deadline, just like the real world †¢ The project should be defined as a set of use cases and a functional test suite. Both should be made available to the students. †¢ Students should start developing their project using the TDD philosophy. †¢ They should also be provided a source code repository like CVS or VSS. Once the students have completed their project they should tag the build and should upload the tag number to a web based submission software. †¢ It must be clearly defined how the students should submit their unit test suite. â₠¬ ¢ They should also provide one file which will trigger the remaining unit tests.†¢ The software will pull the source from the repository, and evaluate it. o Failure is reported to the student if the project fails to compile. Failure here does not mean that the student fails in the assignment. Assignments can be corrected and submitted any number of time till the deadline. Once the compilation succeeds, the software will run the unit tests written by the student on their code. o After collecting results from the unit tests, the test coverage is measured. o Then the functional tests created by the faculty are executed against the software. o The software is then run through a source code format checker which evaluates it for adherence to coding standards,The software is then run through a source code quality checker which evaluates the quality of code based on known best practices, and anti patterns. o The software is finally channeled to the faculty who evaluates it for design . Results from all the tests are given out of 100%. o After collecting all the results a formula (provided by the faculty) is applied to derive the final score. The Software †¢ The software should provide an account with a username and password to each student and faculty. †¢ The software should be web based so that it can be accessed from anywhere using a standard web browser. †¢ After logging in students should be able to browse to the homepage for a particular assignment and view the details, such as specification, due dates, and any other details posted by the faculty. When a student completes her assignment, she should be able to upload the CVS tag number to the server.†¢ Once the tag number is uploaded the server should pull the source code from a CVS repository and perform the checks mentioned above. †¢ Results from each check is recorded in the database. †¢ The detailed result is then displayed to the student. †¢ Students should be able to resubmit an assignment any number of times till the deadline. †¢ Student code should be available for peer review and annotations if the faculty desires. The faculty should be able to create an assignment and upload details and files. †¢ The faculty should be able to trigger the final evaluation of all assignments either manually, or at a scheduled time. †¢ An evaluation should take the latest tag numbers provided by the student and perform tests on the respective source code. †¢ Results should be made available to the faculty, and students. †¢ The faculty should be able to add their own scores for parts that were checked manually. †¢ The final result is computed by applying a formula provided by the faculty. The final results should be downloadable as a csv text file. Several technologies such as Java, Python, PHP, . NET, and Ruby can be used to implement such a system. Each have their pros and cons. We will not cover the implementation technology in t his paper. Evaluation of these technologies and a final choice based on the evaluation will be dealt with in a separate paper.Reference: 1. http://scholar. lib. vt. edu/theses/available/etd-05222003-225759/unrestricted/Web-CAT. pdf 2. http://www. cs. vt. edu/curator/PublicInfo/CuratorIntroduction. pdf 3. http://portal. cm. org/citation. cfm? id=268210 4. ]http://www. infosun. fmi. uni-passau. de/st/papers/iticse2000/iticse2000. pdf 5. Jones, E. L. Grading student programs – a software testing approach. J. Computing in Small Colleges, 16(2): pp. 185-192. 6. http://www-2. cs. cmu. edu/~rsbaker/pilot. pdf 7. http://www. junit. org 8. Using Test Driven Development in the Classroom: Providing Students with Automatic, Concrete Feedback on Performance. http://web-cat. cs. vt. edu/grader/Edwards-EISTA03. pdf 9. http://sourceforge. net/projects/praktomat/ 10. http://www. testdriven. com

Discussion Topic about Personal Insurance

Permanent life insurance is similar to term except they do not expire and they include a death benefit with a savings portion in the policy. The policy will build cash value as the owner pays premium fees over time. There are two types of permanent life insurance and those are Whole and Universal life policies. It takes time for cash value to accumulate but when it does the insurer is entitled to living benefits as needed.Dividends are a type of living benefit. They are invested portions of money that has gained value over the years. You can now get money for this in the form of checks or one lump sum to take care of yourself in the event of terminal illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Dividends are a return on premiums therefore are considered passive income and will not be taxed. They can also be used to purchase additional coverage without proving insurability in most policies.The nonforfeiture benefits are basically a type of insurance on your insurance. In the event that you cancel your policy or it lapses after being in affect for so long, you get something back. You do pay for the service when you open the policy. It is an option but without it, if you have hard times and cancel or lapsed, you would get nothing. With this option you can also still get lowered benefits with some policies.The settlement options are basically how your policy will pay the benefits. This can be installments or in a lump sum. There is also an option to pay interest over time. Some settlement options will allow the insurer to hold the proceeds and pay the beneficiary interest until death.All of these living benefit options are important. Insurance is a cushion to those still living because it creates a reliable plan for those that will be responsible for the final arrangements. Works Cited: Dearborn Financial Publishing. Principles of Retirement Planning; Chicago: Random, 1999

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Site analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Site analysis - Essay Example Wetlands are distributed in the United States due to the differences in geology, water source, and climate. They consume a wider area as far as the coastal margins. In this article, I will consider the wetlands in West Virginia and the effects they have to the locals concerning the agricultural sector. West Virginia has a vast number of wetlands associated with streams. They occur in floodplains and are mainly associated with lakes or can occur as an isolated land feature. Wetlands results in large open water bodies and vegetation such as the Okefenokee Swamp. Hydrologic processes that occur in wetlands are the processes that exist in the healthy water body and are collectively referred as the hydrological cycle. The cycle consists of components such as the precipitation, groundwater flow, surface water flow, and evaporation Cohen (1984). Wetlands continually receive water and lose it through the exchange in the atmospheres, ground water, and streams. Both of the systems provide a conducive geological setting and appropriate and constant supply of water that are necessary for the existence of the wetlands. The wetland water sum is the sum of the inflows and outflows from the wetland. The total water amount for the wetland is represented in the equation below The importance of every component in a wetland varies in the composition of the hydrological cycle from wetland to wetland. The Okefenokee in Georgia is a typical prairie pothole. As a result, it receives direct precipitation and a considerable amount of runoff from the surrounding uplands as well as ground water inflow. It loses water to evaporation, keeping to groundwater or overflow in conditions of excess precipitation and runoff. Wetlands are considered as a complex ecosystem in which underground water and surface water interact with each other, but since the underground water can’t be observed

Monday, October 7, 2019

Oppian Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oppian Law - Essay Example ing to discuss Livy’s account of Roman women demonstrating against Oppian law and Baldson’s view of the Roman women in relevance to the Oppian law (Bauman 30). According to Schroeder (80), women’s demonstration and persistence enabled them to obtain repeal against the Oppian law despite facing opposition from various consuls who supported the law. Such consuls included Marcus, Publius, among others. The matrons blockaded every entrance to forums, as well as streets in the city. They neither cared about the orders from the counsel and husbands nor the shame since Roman women were prohibited from participating in forums and politics. The women wanted to have their luxurious lives back arguing that the state was thriving. They also wanted to take part in forums. The number of demonstrating women grew in numbers from towns to villages. They tried to solicit magistrates, consuls and praetors to join them in their course. Consul Cato did a marvellous representation that encouraged more women crowds on the streets, and this led to their victory with the repealing of the law. In Livy’s writing, we see that women have evolved from being submissive to fearless and bold individuals. They dared to go against their men’s wishes and came out in large numbers to fight for what they wanted. According to Bauman’s (53), women have changed since the 1960s. In the ancient Rome, women were assigned specific roles, such as giving birth, spinning, weaving, managing domestic arrangements, and not wondering in the streets or attending festivals. They were not allowed to uncover their heads, unless in the presence of their husbands alone. They often got married when young; thus, they had little time to have a good time to enjoy life. They were not exposed to contraceptives, and so they underwent crude and unclean ways of abortion. The rich women were overtaxed with the aim of taming them. The modern Roman woman is more confident and aggressive in fighting for liberty through

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Problem With Akeem In Education. Causes And Decision Case Study - 12

The Problem With Akeem In Education. Causes And Decision - Case Study Example Kirkley further elaborates, solving a problem in some cases requires the problem solver to dynamically restructure and run their mental models of the systems to effect a particular action on a system. Developing a mental model is more practical and requires more than the declarative teaching than students such as Akeem received from their classroom. The solution would thus be aimed at making the studies a bit practical to make such students to express mental models practically rather than theoretically. Cooper & Henschkle (2001) describe andragogy as a form of learning for adults where practice in the field is supplemented with theoretical work form the class. Such an approach would help in helping children such as Akeem. The children exhibiting such behavior should be offered with an environment that stimulates practical activities. Once the area of concern is established, the students would then be encouraged to participate more in this specific area, and later when enough interest is accumulated, the student might be introduced to the theoretical aspect of the idea. The plan has to work effectively in that the plan isolates the areas of interests as portrayed by the student, and then develops these areas. In short, it is a student controlled learning instead of a teacher controlled learning. As Cooper & Henschkle (2001) elaborate, the interest and practical aspect gained would be the motivation towards learning the theoretical concept. Cooper, M.K. & Henschke, J.A., (2001). Andragogy: its research value for practice. A presentation to the Midwest Research to Practice conference, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois, Sept. 26-28, 2001.