Thursday, May 2, 2019

Should there be a death penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Should there be a death penalty - Essay ExampleHe goes to work as Sams lawyer so he can be with him through his final appeals. Sam is a precise bad man. He has killed several people. He is a terrible racist and was a member of the KKK. disdain all of this, the appropriate does a wonderful job showing us his humanity. Even though he has killed, the irony of the story is the fact that he didnt kill the girl they are executing him for.This book caused me to view inmates on death row as humans, not just criminals. The scary thing close the book is that even though I feel Sam was a horrible person, I interrogative the rights of the state to take his life. If it really is about protecting society, then let him stay in cast out forever. The book also helped me see how there might bee mistakes made along the way that would send an aboveboard person to the death chamber. It is true that Sam was guilty of many disgusts, but not guilty of the crime for which he was executed. I found mys elf wondering how often this happened in America and other places where criminals are executed. I came away from the book feeling that no one should be executed because the likelihood of making a mistake was too

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