Wednesday, March 13, 2019

African American and Ebonics Essay

What if all of America spoke in Ebonics? What up cuz or Holla at me. That would be crazy right? Sharice, Travis, Rickia, and I did a report on the evidence for the critical element of the Oakland school gore proposal and the convention that temporary African American Vernacular Forms (AAV) of dissertation show strong influence from West-African dictions. The Oakland school board proposed to the state that the kids breeding will be improved with the recognition and understanding of Ebonics.My article came from the internet, and it is titled A Case of Ebonics. Ebonics is a critical language, with powerful elements of a unambiguous language, spoken by many Americans of African descent, a language mark by a long and rich history. While most another(prenominal) languages are restricted to specific geographical regions, Ebonics is a way of dissertation shared by a large percentage of African-Americans living everyplace in the United States. Ebonics has been branded as a poor ske leton of Standard side of meat.Some think of it as lazy lips and lazy thinking. Because Ebonics held on to many leftover characteristics from West African languages, there has been debate as to whether it is a language of American slope or another language altogether. Ebonics has a long history that began in Africa. It started when population from many distinct African villages were brought to American slave markets. The slave owners often purposely combine the slaves by tribe so that they could not communi sanctifye directly in the language of a single tribe.For them to communicate with each other, the slaves developed a pidgin language, a mixture of various African languages. Over the centuries, this early pidgin intermingle with aspects of Standard incline to form Black English but it becalm has many of the features of its ancestor. That is, many of the unique forms of Ebonics can be identified as leftovers of West African languages. For example some researchers say that the word for cat in several African languages also means man. For this reason our vista cool cat is derived from Ebonics.Despite these differences, Ebonics is a language that fully serves the inevitably of its users. Its grammar is precisely as complicated as Standard English. Its just a different grammar. The meaning of He didnt do nil is perfectly understood by all Ebonics speakers, and by archetype English speakers as well. A man by the name of Ishmael beating-reed instrument makes clear the use of Ebonics indicates neither a lack of education nor an inability to speak in other tongues You not gone make me fall flat up Black English.When you ask me to give up Black English you askin me to give up my soul. But for reasons of commerce, transportation, and hassle less mobility in gamble(a) life, I will talk to 411 in the language both the agent and I can understand (Lederer 4). I agree with Reed that everyone of necessity to learn and master Standard English to have the best chance to succeed in America. In certain contexts, someone (like a manager) tycoon make a judgment roughly the way we black people talk. If we want to become successful we must learn Standard English.I hope that the playment of correction for Ebonics movement will work against the general disrespect of the way most African-American youth talk. People should be less defensive about the language in which we live and move and maybe we can better position to employ both the Ebonics and the standard codes and to reap the full fruits of our American civilization. If people were less defensive about Ebonics maybe then we as people could associate Standard English with Ebonics. And with all of this we could reap the full fruits of our American civilization.

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