Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Comparison of Othello and the Movie O Essay -- Movie Film comparison

A Compari password of Othello and the Movie O When Shakespeare composed the catastrophe Othello televisions were not. Along with no televisions, life in the late 1500s had legion(predicate) contrasting qualities than it does today. This time period had no war on drugs and no in risque spirits school shootings. Peer pressure was not an issue. The audiences of Othello in the 1500s did not typeface the circumstances that we, American high school students, face today. With these significant differences in daily life, come the attempts of movie creators to help prevent our novel day tragedies. The movie O, released on August 31, 2001, is a retelling of Shakespeares Othello set in a college prepatory school. This movie, shelved over two years due to the epidemic of high school shootings in the late 1990s, is an attempt to take in mass these disasters caused by peer pressure and jealousy (Kurnit). O is an effective overhaul of Shakespeares Othello in this day and age as it addresses issues that are imperative and insecure to its audience. Jealousy is a dominating factor in two the modern day and Shakespearean Othello. In Othello, the jealousy develops from Iago, who thinks he has been overlooked as his flag officer and as Othellos loyal best friend. In O, Hugo is jealous of his fathers relationship with Odin. Hugos father, Duke, is also the basketball coach of the team both Odin and Hugo play for. Odin is the team captain and receives the most valuable player introduce which he shares with his go-to guy, Mike--not Hugo. Hugo believes that he is the M.V.P. of the Hawks and is filled with jealousy when his father gives the award to Odin and says, Im real proud to say this publicly, I love him like my own son (O). Ive ... ...ence more reasoning to the jealousy of the characters and the actions they take. With the changed setting come many differences drugs and alcohol, peer pressure, violence, and different sources for jealousy and hatred. These issues are the dilemmas we, as teenagers in this sensitive millennium, are faced with day to day. O addresses these new era evils without abandoning the legitimate themes and major issues of Shakespeares Othello. The audience can relate to a story compose down hundreds of years ago and benefit from it. Works Cited Hartnett, Josh. Interview following(a) O. 23 edge 2010 Kurnit, Scott. O movie review. 20 March 2010 List of School Shootings. 20 March 2010 Nelson, Tim Blake. Interview folloing O. 23 March 2010 O. dvd. Dir. Tim Blake Nelson, Lions Gate Films, 2001

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